A Tribute

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A Tribute

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A Tribute

“Beauty is an authority, a smile is its weapon”, this line, by poet Charles Reade, shines light on the appeal that describes my older sister a truly amazing person. Though to have a pure beauty and a happy smile doesn't harm, upon digging deeper, Sister Pryce's character comes ahead and surpasses her personality traits. At 90 years old, Sister Pryce portrays herself as somebody far beyond her age. For instance, she can simply take control of any aggressive circumstances without bend down to her opposition level. Her uniqueness places her on a platform and permits her to stand out among her peers. In my judgment, her powerful personality and kindness with her friends compose her good-looking and admirable.

Beyond her graceful, manicured nails and neatly done hair, Sister Pryce havens an influential personality. Wherever she goes, a feeling of dignity and self-confidence surrounds her. Determinedly, yet elegantly, she walks with her head up and chin high in a sense that formulates others have nothing but value for her. Her stern personality also awards her the force to stand up for herself and articulate her mind. When helping a client at her job, she never permits them to talk down to her or treat her like an old lady. She clearly articulates that if they wish for her support, they must keep in mind that she deserves to be treated like respected women as well. Another feature of Sister Pryce's intense independence is her ability to be strong-willed. When it comes down to something that she needs, Sister Pryce will fight with all her heart to accomplish her goal. The barriers in her way hardly ever stop her from getting her ambitions.

Deliberate or not, as my older sister, Sister Pryce still leaves a key influence on ...
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