A transitivity analysis in English composition by Secondary school students in Hong Kong
I would take this opportunity to express gratitude my research supervisor, family and associates for their support and guidance without which this study would not have been possible.
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Chapter One - Introduction
Background of the study
The main reason behind this study is a teaching one. However, it would be absurd to demand the results of this study provide any specific recommendations for measures to improve student teaching written English. In fact, the purpose of this study is to describe than the norm. Rather than the false hopes of writing the students and the judge's eyes, it attempts to only identify the error and systematic classification of them. We hope, through the identification and classification errors, we can observe the emerging patterns and trends (if any) common errors committed by the students had. By analyzing the specific model and based on second language acquisition theory (as well as the inherent characteristics of English and Chinese Mainland), we may begin to understand why and how to generate some errors of students - some obvious, consistent. From this point, it may develop some effective teaching methods and learning strategies to reduce student errors - but this will not be a concern of this study.
Problem Statement
Anyone who lived in Hong Kong for at least several years must have heard this argument: young people's standard of English is declining. Teachers and employers of students always seem to complaints of poor English, particularly with regard to their oral and writing skills. Teachers, the students written works, refers to the numerous mistakes; employers that their staff (especially the young) cannot even be held in English. More importantly, it can often hear the case seems to be getting worse. Although these claims are often set up, the loud sound of course, is enough to listen to government officials.
Government response has been positive. In the past few years, we have witnessed an explosion of public policies designed to correct the problem directly. Examples include mandatory for all English teachers (in addition to those already in the UK with a relevant degree) by 2006, or face termination of contract teachers in the Language Proficiency Assessment (assessment), to require all primary school English teachers in specialized, only to teach English , the implementation of the Workplace English Campaign and the provision of training courses and qualifications for all employees in Hong Kong, Kao Shi; encouraged (by providing financial incentives) serving English teachers to enroll in the course of learning to enhance their subject knowledge and their language professor Jiao Yuxue. All of these programs have a common goal: to improve their English in Hong Kong's ...