Contemporary romance novels commonly focus on the emotions and the intimacy of a couple, the protagonists. Yet, in a Tale of Two Cities, Dickens has taken the idea and concept of love in a completely unique fashion. He has mixed the romantic theme in a very political writing piece, featuring a battle between the common man and the aristocrats for the authority of rule both in France and England.
It is between these battles for dominance and control, the readers find Lucie Manette, the protagonist of the book, weaving multiple other characters together with a 'golden thread' and love. Going along the Greek love distinctions, that is agape, love and storge, Manette finds three loves in her life, namely, her father Dr. Manette, she enjoys a fatherly-daughterly love, with Charles Darnay she enjoys an intimate and romantic love, while with Sydney Carton, she enjoy a platonic relationship. All of these together, shape the basis of conclusion and the creation of a community of love.
The book starts with the task of Mr. Lorry, charged for the assurance of a reunion between Mr. Manette and his daughter. Lucie is full of curiosity and fear as she is getting on board the ship to see her father. Mr. Manettes' history however, is to be blamed for instilling these emotions in her daughter because he was in prison for the last eighteen years. When the two finally meet up, her constant love for him acts as the sole reason for his health and existence. In their house whenever Mr. Manette would get up in the middle of night, he would continue to pace up and down until his daughter would grace him with his company and “till her love and company have brought him to himself”
At times Mr. Manette would be assaulted with agonizing and painful experiences, of the time spent in jail. During those moments his daughter was the sole person in the world who was able to calm his mind and bring a measure of peace and serenity back into his life. “she was the golden thread that united him to a Past beyond his misery, and to a Present beyond his misery: ……”
As mentioned before, Lucie enjoyed an intimate and romantic relationship with Charles Darny. Ironically he was the culprit behind the creation of majority of all the troubles. Their story ...