A Study On Confirmation Bias And Cognitive Inertia In Forming And Retaining Beliefs Regarding Leaders And Champions Of One's Own Party Versus Beliefs Regarding Those Of The Foes Of The Opposing Party

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A Study on Confirmation Bias and Cognitive Inertia in Forming and Retaining Beliefs Regarding Leaders and Champions of One's Own Party versus Beliefs Regarding Those of the Foes of the Opposing Party




Introduction to the problem1

Background for the current Study1

The Impact of Stereotypes during Negative Campaigns2

Process and Preferences and American Politics2

Constitutional Character3

Overview of Qualitative and Quantitative Research Approaches3

Ethical Considerations4



Introduction to the problem

The main issue in the American politics is the rivalry between the current and the opposing government parties. Both parties consider ill against each other and hold each other responsible if anything goes wrong for them. Till date, it is one of the biggest issues to be resolved in the American politics.

Background for the current Study

In the United States, the people are displeased with the government because of its enmity to the opposing party. The government, on the other hand, is trying its level best to improve their policies and preferences to maintain a good relationship with people. The last article Constitutional Character: virtues and vices in Presidential Leadership, which comes from Presidential Studies Quarterly, talks about what traits and qualities a president must have in order to be successful and constructive for their country.

Purpose of the current study

The purpose of the current study will be to assess the cognitive inertia and bias system in the political setup of the United States. The research will be very useful to identify the different kinds of impacts of the bias system and cognitive inertia in the American political system. It will eventually help the readers to get a complete know how of the functioning of the American political system. Furthermore, it will help them to get a proper knowledge of the concept of biasness and birthers in a political system.

Hypothesis and their Rationale

Following hypothesis will be included in this study


People tend to respond more negatively to a failed decision made by the Government for its biasness

This hypothesis has been developed because the people view the government as dishonest and untrustworthy, that political parties are identically the same with different names, and the government does not know what anyone wants.


People tend to accept the Government despite its failed decision and biasness

This hypothesis has been developed because despite the mistakes and failures made by the government decision, people are still willing to vote for their parties on the basis of confirmation bias and cognitive inertia.

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