A Study Analyzing Domestic Violence And Abusive Relationships In Uk

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A Study Analyzing Domestic Violence and Abusive Relationships in UK




Background of the Study1

Aims and Objectives3

Significance of the Research3

Research Questions3


Domestic Violence4

Theoretical Perspectives on Domestic Violence6

Abuse-Battering Theory6

Social Learning Theories7

Gender Based Theories8

Feminist Theory8

Types and Effects of Domestic Violence10

Domestic Violence in Men11

Reasons Due to Which Men Stay in Abusive Relationships11




Background of the Study

Domestic violence (DV) is a social ill that affects individuals and families throughout the lifespan. Previous research has indicated that multiple factors including age, development and gender may be significant in predicting the long term outcomes that witnessing domestic violence in childhood may have on adults later in life. Domestic violence is a steady growing problem around the world and it is often underestimated but it is not be minimized. Many families are affected by domestic violence every day.

Some may hear the term domestic violence and envision a man physically attacking a woman out of rage (Pepler & Moore, 2000, pp. 37). In order to understand the full scope of domestic violence one has to dispel preconceived ideas such as: the male is the barterer and the woman is the victim in all cases, children are too young to understand what is going on and are not affected, only women of certain races and income levels are affected by domestic violence, and it is the woman's fault if she stays in an abusive relationship. It is very important to remember that a key component in raising an emotionally and developmentally healthy child is not only ensuring the safety of the child but also the safety of the primary caretaker.

A major characteristic of domestic violence is an unequal balance of power in an intimate relationship. It is often difficult for one in such a relationship to clearly recognize exactly when this imbalance occurred because it is thought to be gradual but it often is planned by the perpetrator. Although the majority of research classifies domestic violence victims as women and perpetrators as men, it is important to note that men can be victims and women can be the abuser, as well as that domestic violence can occur in same sex relationships. Regardless of who takes on the role as perpetrator or the role of as the victim, the effects and seriousness of domestic violence should not be minimized. Domestic violence can also have long term effects on those involved and can even result in death (Murray, 2006, pp. 234).

Domestic violence can take many forms and include various tactics that may be overlooked. When one hears about domestic violence, the first thing that may come to mind is physical violence between intimate partners but, in reality, it can include one, a combination, or all of the following. Physical abuse, include pushing, strangling, restraining, using weapons, punching and spitting to name a few but, it is important to mention that, though reported more often, the foregoing are not the only form of domestic violence. Sexual abuse is another tactic that is used and it includes ...
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