A Report On Modern Enterprise

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A report on Enterprise in Modern Society

Table of Content

Section I3


Nature and scope of Enterprise4

Enterprise Model4

Enterprise models and frameworks5


Section II9


Characteristics Successful Entrepreneur10

Common Traits in a Successful Entrepreneur10

Entrepreneur Modern Society11

Section III13

Personal statement13



Section I


A multinational enterprise is very similar to a multinational corporation except that it does not have to be incorporated. Thus, MNE describes a larger number of organizations working across borders. MNEs include multinational partnerships, trusts, and other non-corporate entities. As with a multinational corporation, MNEs are multinational because they think and act as if the world is their place of business. .( Kanter, 1984).

The small business is seen as one of the key drivers of enterprise. How does one introduce students to this environment of cut and thrust which is real and relevant for their future success in business and in life long learning in general? We will consider the keys to unlocking this land of opportunity. What drives enterprise? We consider that attitude is a major driver of enterprise and this can provide the tipping point for the future success of an individual or the enterprise with which they are associated.

What is enterprise? This can be considered as the effort, enthusiasm and hard work of an individual or a collective of individuals. It is also the utilisation often of the summation of the personal and other resources including networks of an individual in pursuing an objective, goal, aim, mission or vision.

Why is enterprise important? Without this super drive and determination to succeed against all odds and obstacles, very few, if any, ventures in business or, even more so, social enterprise would be able to get off the ground, far less ultimately become established and have a measure of success.

Here, we are emphasising enterprise as opposed to entrepreneurship although it is also included. Then, ultimately we will see that the small business enterprise can fulfil many of these requirements for the business student, in particular.

A number of students, as is common in life, will already have an enterprisingly privileged background but even they need to become more aware of that privileged background and become active participants themselves in enterprise and also become a conduit for the culture and experience to their peers.

Nature and scope of Enterprise

The nature and scope of enterprise is multidimensional.

Play an essential role in any coounty's economy

Multinational enterprises now play an important part in the economies and in international economic relations, which is of increasing interest to governments

Through international direct investment, such enterprises can bring substantial benefits to home and host countries by contributing to the efficient utilization of capital, technology and human resources between countries

Currently the world's largest 500 MNEs dominate world trade and investment. In terms of foreign direct investment (FDI) the world's largest firms account for 90% of the world total

In terms of trade they account for approximately half of world trade as they often have a hundred or more foreign subsidiaries around the world

Local industry is export oriented at a large scale

MNE transfer knowledge, technologies to ...
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