A Reflective Statement On An Academic Problem(S) Which You Have Overcome This Semester.

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Listening and speaking skills

Listening and speaking good English

Paragraph 1:

The problem I was facing in the beginning of this semester was “listening and speaking good English”. Although I have successfully overcome this problem to an extent but still there is a room for improvement as I am not a native speaker of the English language. I was a student with average English language skills. (Morrison. R, 2002, Pp. 2-10) in the beginning I had problems with the grammar and my pronunciation was not good at all in fact it was quite bad. In order to overcome this problem of poor English language listening and speaking skills I took English language courses as well such like Academic Communication in the previous semester. When I started to learn English my pace wasn't that much encouraging and I faced many difficulties specially while learning grammar. In spite of the fact that I was taking English language course I wasn't satisfied. Therefore I decided, if I really want to improve my English language skills I have to take it as a challenge and start to practice and learn on my own as it's being said “Practice makes a man perfect”. Previously I was just concentrating in increasing my vocabulary skills. I thought if I will cram a decent amount of English words then it will automatically increase my speaking and listening skills. But I was wrong and I realized later on when I didn't observed the anticipated outcomes. The basic thing missing was the practical side that is to practice it by speaking with different people.

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After determining the basic problem behind my poor English language skills that is “lack of practice” I decided to concentrate over it and I started to you English as much as possible. Due to poor English language skills specially speaking and listening I faced many problems in my academic studies as well as in my daily routine life more over my confidence was losing day by day and I used to prefer quite mostly. (García. G, 2000, Pp. 1-15) the fear that my friends and peers will make fun of me if I will speak poor English was the biggest factor that stopped me from speaking English. This was not the only concern more over I was facing enormous difficulties while I used to ...