A Good Man Is Hard to find, by Mary Flannery O'Connor who is a devoted Roman not only to the family but also to the church. Brought up in Georgia's Southern Region attending mass often as a child while growing up in the Southern region.
The author acquired a degree of M. F.A and soon returned back to her home town due to her father's illness, which eventually led, to father's death. Mary never left the home town long enough that she could forget that what she was and how she made herself. The history of Mary and her religious philosophy that eventually fashioned her narrative putting light on the family values she adopted. The character she depicts states how one can eventually end the moral corruption in catastrophic. If there is no change in one's life, and one is unable to seek the right way of living then it can be said that dishonesty, carelessness and disobedience is made to cross the path with death.Discussion
The author here focuses on the readers to make them feel responsible for their actions and deeds. She clearly mentions that irresponsibility will eventually end up in corruption.
Through this attitude, Bailey led down his parents and the entire family in the facet of honourable living. Here, bailey sinks into hallucination that his entire family is responsible for themselves and no one else. The main family member who is the grandmother tries to lead the family in the best manner but ultimately she fails. She is very much concerned and wants Bailey to read the article Misfit in the newspaper. The grandmother reads the lines out for Bailey telling her to focus, requesting her seriously. Bailey and his wife ignore the request of their grandmother telling them to change their route, or it will eventually bring ...