A Critical Analysis Of The Relationship Between Staff Compensations And Financial Determinants: A Case Study Of British Airways

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A Critical Analysis of the Relationship between Staff Compensations and Financial Determinants: A Case Study of British Airways



I would like to take this opportunity to thank my lecturer who has always shown confidence in me. He has offered his patience, remarks, propositions and understanding. Here I would also like to mention my parents who have always believed in me for all my hard work. My family, including my parents, brother and sister have endlessly supported me during my life and academics. This has helped me in making positive decisions for my life. I would also mention my peers and co-workers and appreciate their collaboration and expert advice on every circumstance. I am also grateful towards my University and my Department, the administrators, faculty members and fellow students for their support throughout this study.


I declare that the material stated in this dissertation/thesis is original and does not present work of any other scholar or research study conducted in the past. Material in this study is not partially or completely published elsewhere and collected only for the purpose of this study. I also acknowledge that I have complete understanding of the requirements, guidelines, regulations and procedures of the University with respect to the endowment of higher education degree and my research work. Here, I would also like to take the opportunity to declare that I have almost exclusively followed the requirements, guidelines, regulations and procedures of the University regarding this research study.

Signed __________________ Date _________________


In recent times, there is a huge responsibility for all the sectors to pay special attention while investing in people. Human resource of an organisation can help in achieving competitive edge in the industry. Although human resource management is a diverse field but when it comes to motivating employees of an organisation, compensation and reward management is ranked as the top most strategy. Therefore, modern organisations are focussing on soft personnel management issues to keep their workforce motivated. These issues involve compensation and benefits, employee motivation through rewards, involvement of employees etc. Along with these soft issues, there are certain hard human resource issues such as effective business and HR planning, performance based pay system and team benefits etc. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the impact of employees' compensation and benefit of British Airways on the employee motivation, which leads to better productivity and better revenues for British Airways. For the purpose of this study, both primary and secondary data was gathered from employees of British Airways regarding compensation and benefit system of British Airways. This study employed mixed method research design to gather information. This research was based on both qualitative and quantitative information. Quantitative research method was used to collect data from the fifty employees of British Airways regarding their satisfaction or dissatisfaction about BA's compensation and benefit system. The aim of this research is to present a new perspective on employees' perception about their performance based pay and reward system and how it helps to motivate them towards more ...