A Biographical Paper On John Lennon.

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A Biographical Paper on John Lennon.


John Lennon was born on October 9, 1940 in Liverpool. His father was a soldier in the Navy and the divorce of his mother shortly after his demobilization in 1945. John grew up with his uncle and aunt while her mother is rarely seen. It is she who taught him and give him the urge to play banjo and ukulele. If John is playing in some small parties parish, and rock idols that his ascension Elvis Presley or Chuck Berry and John appeal rises in 1957 his own rock band in the flowerbeds. That same year John made the acquaintance of Paul McCartney and the duo will be joining George Harrison and Ringo Star is the largest group of all time: The Beatles. Played with John Paul in place to lead the group and composed of equal parts of the group's values. Born in 1963, his marriage to Cynthia Powell, his son Julian.

Concert albums, the Beatles are courted by the world and their success will last, but the four young men are less artistically agreement and the meeting of John with Yoko Ono in the late 60 signs of the end of the group (Edmondson J, 2010, 154-190). In 1970 the official announcement is made, and then members can concentrate on his solo career. John has released three albums in 1968 and 1969 the works and records the album title became inevitable tube "Imagine" in 1971. Subsequently, more rarely, and you spend much time with his wife and his second son, Sean, born in 1975. John Lennon was murdered in New York on December 8, 1980. His death puts an end to rumors about the return of the Beatles and orphaned millions of fans. British singer and musician, founder of the legendary group The Beatles, a quartet that formed in the city of Liverpool with Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr and has become an indisputable reference the history of modern music.

Discussion & Analysis

John Winston Lennon was born in Liverpool on October 9, 1940, while Nazi planes bombed the city. Her father, Alfred, was a sailor who recently visited the home, until it disappeared altogether. Then it was his mother, Julia Stanley, who disappeared, leaving the child in the care of a sister named Mary.It was she who taught John the first chords on an old banjo it's grandfather.. Liverpool was then a port city that was in decline. With a heterogeneous population, life there in store for great joy. However, the constant commotion caused by maritime traffic also had its advantages: in the luggage of sailors from across the ocean came abundant records of country and rhythm and blues, which incorporated immediately to the innate love of liverpoolianos by music.

Early Years

John grew up listening to records by Little Richard, Chuck Berry, Ray Charles and Buddy Holly, distinguished representatives of the musical currents of the time. For several years he studied at the School of Fine Arts and at the age of fifteen ...
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