First problem is the rivalry among the various intelligence agencies such as CIA, NSA and FBI. All these agencies serve the military along with the National Geo-spatial Intel Agency, the National Reconnaissance Organization and many others. Another problem is the standards set by different organizations vary with each other. There is no defined criteria and standard. Organizational cultures are different. Interrelationship is complex. For competition among organizations, information can be withheld, by one group to make a favourable image outside the organization. All groups are specialized. They deal with the same aspects of intelligence. Although they can create diversity and specialization in work among groups but to become a number one, they try doing it all. This chaos results in duplicated efforts and waste of money. Cabinet, defense, state and justice; are all involved dealing with intelligence. Therefore, the rivalry reaches the top level, as well (Kean, 2010).
General overview of the solution
The following critical recommendations are given which should be implemented by United States government in the next term in order to strengthen the security of the country: Sharing watch list should be the highest priority and, it requires a systematic diplomatic effort. Since the president will determine the procedure for sharing information among government and private agencies, he should make rules protect the privacy of individuals whose information is shared. Congress must make fingerprints requirement for passport mandatory. Latest technology should be used for electronic passports should be made in which electronic chips should be embedded. This chip will store a copy of all the information related to the individual whose passport it will be as well as important biometric features such as facial recognition. These chips will make the passport details unable to be altered and, correct information of the file will be provided ...