5 Communication Concepts

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5 Communication Concepts

Significance of Communication3


1.Where there's Smoke4






2.Pulling the Weight at Work6






3.You look great9






4.Sam's Graduation Party11







5 Communication Concepts

Significance of Communication

All human beings live together in this globe with other persons, where they sought to share their feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and ideas with each other. They exchange knowledge with each other through gestures, words, tone, expressions, etc. This interface is known as communication. Communication is a procedure of interacting with environment and people. Two or more persons communicate and affect the beliefs, ideas, and attitudes with each other. At the present time, language in its developed structure is the foremost capable source of communication, however, it is not the merely one. People employ other sources, as well, for successful communication of knowledge and information (Adler, et.al, 2012). As illustrated in figure 1 and all four videos, as well, there is a sender in the communication process, who generates a message or expression to receivers. Through this pragmatic example of figure 1 and videos, it can be concluded that communication is a method employed to properly and timely exchange knowledge and information among a sender and a receiver to accomplish a preferred objective.

Figure 1: Communication component

Source (http://pathways.cu.edu.eg/subpages/downloads/Communication_Chapter_1.pdf)


Communication concepts include types of communication, topics of communication, and communication terms. A type of communication could be interpersonal referring to a relationship between two. A topic of communication could be empathy and how well one can empathize. Terms include identity, and finding oneself (Beebe, et.al, 2010).

Where there's Smoke

In this video, four different individuals demonstrate the complete scenario. There are there friends, who include one female and two male friends. The fourth person is the lady serving in the bar known as “Black Door.” The whole scenario mainly focuses on smoking habit, health hazards, government regulations related to smoking and news published regarding smokers and ban on smoking. Out three friends, one male friend is completely against smoking, a female friend can tolerate a smoker sitting beside her and the other male friend is regular smoker. The lady serving in bar is neutral as she was on job and could not avoid regular smokers like Mike.


Cognitive flexibility refers to the ability to continually supplement and revise existing knowledge to create new categories rather than forcing new knowledge into old categories. Cognitive flexibility helps prevent our knowledge from becoming stale and also prevents the formation of stereotypes and can help us avoid prejudging an encounter or jumping to conclusions. To be better communicators, we should know much about others and ourselves and be able to reflect on and adapt our knowledge as we gain new experiences. Motivation and knowledge can inform us as we gain new experiences, but how we feel in the moment of communication encounters is also important.


Smoking is seriously injurious to health. It affects almost every body organ, which include skin, lungs, liver, pregnancy, etc. These are some major and well-known body parts and conditions that are highly affected by the habit of smoking. Smoking through tobacco is hazardous to non-smokers and smokers, as ...