20th Century Movement

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20th Century Movement



During the first half of the 20th century, a small number of African-Americans established groups based on the teachings of Islamic supremacy. The first of these groups created the Arab Science Temple of America, founded by Timothy Drew (Drew Ali) in 1913. Attracted taught that Black people were of Arab origin, but their Muslim identity was carried through slavery and racial segregation, arguing for a return to Islam of Arab descent.

The Nation of Islam (NOI) was the largest organization, founded in 1930 by Wallace Fard Muhammad. However, teaches a different form of Islam, promoting Black supremacy and labeling whites as "devils." Fard was inspired by the teachings of the NOI Temple of Noble Drew Ali Arabic science in America. He provided three fundamental principles that serve as the basis of the Nation of Islam: "Allah is God, the white man is the devil and the blacks are called Black Asian people, the cream of the planet earth."

One of the celebrities to join the Nation of Islam was Malcolm X, who was the face of the Nation of Islam in the media. Malcolm X was one of the most influential leaders of the Nation of Islam, which advocated the complete separation of blacks from whites. Mohammed rejected many teachings of his father, as the divinity of Fard Muhammad and saw a white person as well as a worshiper.

The Moorish Science Temple of America or Moorish Holy Temple of Science is a religious organization founded in 1913 in Newark in New Jersey, and wanting Muslim. In practice, the group is a syncretism drawing some of its sources (besides Islam), in Buddhism, the Christianity, the Freemasons, the Gnosticism and Taoism. Its fundamental principle is that African Americans were Ancestry Moorish, and thus were of Muslim origin.

The creator and prophet of the group was Noble Drew Ali, born Timothy Drew (1886-1929) in North Carolina. After his death, the Temple broke into several groups claiming his legacy, which still exist today.


Black Muslims in America have appeared in the early 17th century, when slaves were brought Muslims to America from Africa. However, in the early twentieth century, Islam became the new black quality - at this time appeared Black Nationalism and Islam became a little bit to hold the position of alternative religions in relation to traditional Christianity. The ideologists of the spread of Islam among the black community in the U.S. have stated that they only advocated a return to roots, as many of their ancestors were forced Muslims to Christianity under pressure from white slave owners.


The group had its own version of the Qura'an, believed to have been lost by other Muslims, and being his true form. The name of this book is Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America, sometimes abbreviated Circle Seven Koran. Ali taught that the Moors were "Asian", and that there were only two people on the planet, Europeans and Asians.

For one, Europeans made ??up the "individual lower" (Satan), driven from Mecca ...
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