1 aspects Of Banking Law And The European Union

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Aspects of Banking Law and the European Union

Aspects of Banking Law and the European Union

Financial Stability of the European Union member Nations

Achievement of the integrated market for all the financial institutions and the banks is one of the main components that relates to the European policies in the field of financial services. The policies of the commission in the area of financial and banking institutions' regulations contribute to the important sections of the action plan that pertains to all the financial services. These policies are largely based on the rules and principles of a mutual understanding and a mutual recognition. It offers a single passport system that makes it possible for the operators of the financial services to operate legally and establish as a single member state for providing and establishing their financial services in other member states without any additional requirements regarding authorization. Safe and soundly regulated financial institutions and banks are very essential, as far as the financial stability in the European Union is concerned. It calls for the creation of a very common framework that ensures protection of the consumer and oversight all over the internal European market. The main instrument making policy for achieving this goal pertains to the implementation, development and implication of the European Union's financial and banking institutions with all the stakeholders that are involved. It also covers the prudential and regulatory rules for all sorts of credit giving institutions and investment firms, for that matter. This comprises the timely and correct transfer of the legislations in all the member nations and the pursuit for the important procedures carried out by the commission and as well as the creation of the useful guidance on all the banking legislations of the European Union.

EU banking and financial institutions

Achievement of the integrated market for banks and the financial institutions can't be considered to be an inward job. The external dimensions of the European Union's financial and banking institutes policy, especially the ones that pertain to the regulatory dialogues with the Switzerland and the United States, is considered to be a very essential element of the policies for the commission in the European region, considering the equivalency of all the supervisory goals and objectives, for that matter. This work is considered to be a very essential recognition of the needs for finding the synergies in a world market that is becoming globalized increasingly. The integration and the preparation of the banking markets and the transposition legislation is an essential area of work for the financial and banking institutes unit that has the responsibility for this particular sector. This unit greatly participates in various activities at an international level, such as the banking supervision committee of the Central Bank of Europe and also the joint forum of all the financial institutions.

In respect to the decision made by the European Council, last year, 2012, the increase in capital is starting to display its efficiency as a mechanism that is very strong for developing the countercyclical activities ...