1984 By George Orwell

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1984 by George Orwell


Nineteen Eighty-Four is a memorable novel or, which is not exactly the same, hard to forget. The first reader of Orwell's manuscript, the publisher Frederic Warburg, undoubtedly had an impression of this type and editorial noted in its report that it was one of the scariest books I've read in my life. Warburg understood that it was a great book, a text that sets off a huge intellectual ferment which he confesses the publisher would prefer not having to deal with many years. This first impression gave way to a huge number of reviews and incessant critical studies attest to the complexity of the work beyond the apparent simplicity of its plot novel. In the centenary year of the author few would hesitate to classify Nineteen Eighty-four as one of the texts of political speculation has become an essential reference in our perception of the great isms of the twentieth century as a central contribution understanding of totalitarianism. The work places Orwell between Swift's Gulliver (and also of A Modest Proposal) and Kafka In the Penal Colony and is opposed to Huxley's Brave New World: Huxley what appears as a premonition of the terrors of science, in Orwell becomes a study of the science of terrors.

Discussion & Analyses

Orwell's last novel casts further light on the rest of his work that seems to illuminate the life story and the author's literary project. The temptation to read Nineteen Eighty-four as a point of closure has to do with the fact that Orwell typing literally lying on his bed of tuberculosis, with symptoms of terminally ill, in the remote island of Jura {Scotland). Undoubtedly, the colossal effort of his writing did not cooperate to improve their poor health and Orwell could only enjoy his sudden fame and affluence few months (Bloom). The book is published on June 8, 1949, i.e., less than seven months of his death on January 21, 1950, forty-six years of age. The novel, on the other hand, it seems the culmination of a trilogy of complaint betrayed the revolution and against totalitarian oppression that Orwell would have begun with the eyewitness account of Homage to Catalonia, developed in fiction with Animal Farm, a story child on the Soviet revolution in the satirical tradition of the fabliaux, and culminated in the creation of a world, that of Nineteen Eighty-Four, in which the mechanisms of the totalitarian model has managed to establish a seamless dystopia definitely exceeds the experiments Nazism and Stalinism.

Indeed, in the same title interpretative keys found more reasonable. The apparent reversal of the numeral 48 (date of writing) in 84 seems to refer back to this, and the atmosphere of the first pages (with the exception of the telescreen with your surveillance capacity) should be perfectly familiar to Londoners who lived power outages, rationing or buildings in poor winters of the war (Dean & Orwell). It is important to note that the original title and English editions used is always written with letters. It's a way ...
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