13th Amendment

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13th Amendment of the United States Constitution

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13th Amendment of the United States Constitution


In the history of mankind freedom has always been a major issue. In ancient times, almost all the people made use of slave labor. In the U.S, slavery was defined solely on the membership of a race. Enslaved Africans and Indians were only black, because they saw he was an 'inferior' and 'underdeveloped' race. The peoples of antiquity, such as the Romans and the Greeks, enslaved the defeated enemies, insurgents, rebels and their own people if it allowed the law (Crevecoeur, 2003).

13th Amendment

The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States became affected on December 18, 1865. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude of any kind can exist in the United States and nor even in any place subject to their jurisdiction. Civil War is barely over the edge on this Congress which was the direct cause; slavery in the cotton south, the disagreement between distinguished Southern planters and industrialists of crude North has done the rest. On 1 January 1863, during the war, President Abraham Lincoln had already proclaimed the emancipation of slaves in the insurgent States. But he could not introduce the abolition of slavery in the Constitution for lack of a sufficient majority in Congress (D'Souza, 2010).

White Southern Perspective

It was discovered that in the nineteenth century white society of the slave states of the United States felt justified in the situation of black people. Although from a current point of view we find slavery as an unjustifiable and goes against the very essence of humanity, their existence throughout history has been extensive and intense time in number of people subject to it. Slavery advocates fought back with arguments that should not be out of context and that we should approach taking into account ...
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