13 Tasks

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Policy and procedure

Policy and procedure

Assignment tasks 1

The worker is required:

To perform his work carefully, honesty and conscience, the time and place and under the conditions agreed. 

To act in accordance with the orders and instructions given to him by the employer, its agents or employees, to the contract. 

Refrain, both during the contract after its termination: disclose trade secrets or business, as well as the confidentiality of any personal or business confidential which he was aware in the course of his business;

To engage or to cooperate in any act of unfair competition. 

After the end of the contract, the competition of the former employer may be prohibited if it is done in defiance of a non-competition clause.

Refrain from anything that can cause injury to his own safety or that of his colleagues, employer or third party; 

Return in good condition of the employer working tools and materials entrusted to him.

It should be understood by others, anyone who is not a party to the contract, that is to say, any person other than the employer. It may therefore be another employee of the company, as a stranger to it. The liability of the worker is also limited to cases of wilful misconduct, gross negligence and ordinary negligence. This rule is intended to limit the liability of the worker himself; meanwhile the employer is legally responsible for any damage caused to third parties by any fault of the worker (ROLSTON, 2006).

Assignment task 2

Environmental regulations affecting mining is abundant and complex. Thus, in order to help managers mine site easy to navigate and operate their business in compliance with laws and regulations, the production of a guide requirements laws and regulations applicable to organizational activities. The Guide focuses on the regulations that apply to activities that can be associated with each of the major phases of a mining project are the development, construction, commissioning, operation and closure. Aspects related to the exploration, however, are not covered in this document (LAWSON, 1998).

Assessment task 3

Full filing duty of care responsibilities in the course of practice

When asked about the impact of the duty of care, it is appropriate to make a distinction between the legal and judicial. While the first result of laws and regulations, the latter depend on the practice of the courts in this area which is extremely conservative, sometimes pusillanimous.

As the primary concern of professional should not be turned to the condemned as an object of care, but as the subject of law, subject as responsible as stated. This important reform, called jurisdictional application of penalties is likely to accentuate this useful accountability of the convicted person, the latter earning more than the success of strategies and objectives it pursues depends not so professional actors that their own personal development (FUTAS, 1995).

Confidentiality with clients

The relationship between the organization and its client is very much important and carries immense necessity. It was the work of banks and the role of the exchange activity and their discharge traders than his companions for his keen secrecy since the old until it became known to deal with ...
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