Studies on the therapeutic model proposed by alcoholics anonymous have failed to demonstrate superiority in the long- term recovery from alcohol dependence compared to other approaches, although the difficulty in obtaining reliable data is widely recognized, particularly because of the difficulty of applying experimental controls such as control of the placebo effect. Alcoholics Anonymous themselves, based on data collected through surveys in groups, estimate that about 26% of new members always participate in the program after one year, a success rate comparable or even superior to those found in studies of other therapeutic treatments of addiction.
For clerics, doctors, their friends and family, the alcoholic who has such good intentions and how resolutely strives to stop drinking, is a disheartening enigma. Most of the alcoholics anonymous, does not seem so. Plenty of us have been like him, and found the solution to the puzzle. It has to do with the amount of faith, but to quality (Gifford). This was what we could not see. We thought we were humble, but we were not. We thought we were very devout in religious practices, but to re-consider it in all sincerity, we realized that we practiced only superficial.
Everyone has heard of Alcoholics Anonymous and their rare ability to free ourself from addiction. But do you know how their method of the Twelve Steps (now applied to addicts as well as bulimia) was born? This was during the 1929 crisis, in full prohibitionist insanity. Hear the story of Bill and Bob (Karr). A world congress on spirituality which was held in Chicago last year called the Twelve Step Program of America's major contribution to the spirituality of the twentieth century. The United States certainly we have become accustomed to their innovative spirit, but they can offer a major spiritual ...