10 Tragic Days

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10 Tragic Days


This study highlights major changes that occurred during February 9, 1913 till February 22, 1913, that resulted in the various moments and making every passing day more tormenting for the people. Therefore, it was considered as one of the most important historical events. During Mexican Revolution there was leadership of Victoriano Huert, who used all his means and ways in order to take control over nation. One of the main misconceptions about the Mexican Revolution at that time was that, it was considered as a war. In reality, it was just a revolutionary movement, but it resulted in brining major changes in the social, economic, political and cultural perspectives of life. During the rule of Victoriano Huerta his major concern was to terrified the public so that they can accept his rule and he misrepresented every event as a war. This was mainly organized and planned to prove the failure of ruling authorities and to prove them as incompetent. This was mainly to lead them, to demand for the change of leadership. Madero could hardly manage to fight for the four days and then it was resulted in transfer of leadership control and authority to new dictator, Victoriano Huerta.

10 Tragic Days


After world War II there were a number of change occurred all over the world. These changes in the social, political, economic and demographic condition in different countries resulted in a number of worst circumstances. One of the major change occurred in America after being declared as an independent state from the British colonization. One after another, United States had to face the national and international challenges and threats. The social and economic conditions resulted in a number of revolts and civil movements against the government. It is one of the major problems for the state to deal with these problems along with the changing cultural trends and globalization. Civil war was one of the major issues that resulted after the World War II. Mexican revolution was also another major historical event that resulted in leading the humanity for more years of sufferings and revolt.

Twentieth century was the era that is marked all the major events in the history. In 1910, Francisco I. Madero started the struggle against Porfirio Díaz as one of the consequences of civil war. Mexican Revolution was one of the major armed conflicts in Mexico the resulted in the Mexican Constitution of 1917. This was continued until 1920, but the conflict was not ended completely and resulted in bloodshed during 1926 to 1929 in Cristero War. During the time of Mexican Revolution United States witnessed a number of deaths and bloodshed like the whole city was suffering at that time, especially during 1913 there were worst circumstanmces. One of the major events that occurred during this was the assassination of President Francisco I, who started this revolution. Since 9th February 1913 till 19th February 1913, the days were most tragic and it resulted in the worst circumstances. Even until 22nd February 1913, the conditions ...
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