Young People With Down Syndrome

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Young People with Down syndrome

Young People with Down syndrome


Down syndrome is the most common genetic disorder that is caused by the existence of third party of chromosomes. This third party of chromosomes can present in a part or they can also be present in all. Down syndrome is also regarded as the most common abnormality in human beings.

In 1866, Dr. John Langdon Down, a physician in London as the first person to describe this condition accurately. He named the syndrome as mongolism, because of the upward slant of eyes of victims, which was similar to the people living in Mongolia.

Down syndrome is the most recurrent chromosomal aberration in Ireland. It occurs in one in every 546 line births in Ireland. Down syndrome is basically an unknown error that occurs in cell development. This error results in 47 chromosome rather than usual count of 46. This extra gen causes material changes in the systematic development of body and brain. According to experts it one of the most common causes that can be accounted for intellectual disability. Individuals, who are the victims of Down syndrome, have a unique personality, appearance and abilities (, 2013).

Down syndrome is not regarded as a disease. Children with Down syndrome are weak at learning, and their physical abilities as compared to typical developing students. Such individuals develop slower than their peers and might stay at a learning phase for quit a long time. Theses individuals have short term verbal memory, and they might be slow at comprehending and assimilating to the spoken language. These individuals are better off when communicating to individuals that have the same syndrome. The individuals are also very prone to certain disease which affects the thyroid, sight, heart, hearing and overall health.

Children with Down syndrome are imaginative, creative, mischievous, have the same emotions and attitude as other normal children. The life (dependent or independent) spent by these children depend upon the degree of support and accommodation they need. These children are not given the due importance which they deserve; these poor individuals are neglected, are not valued and are unable to enjoy the same rights as other kids of the society. People have different reactions when they make contact with such children. It is observed that mostly people avoid coming into contact with these kids, because they feel embarrassed. They are often deprived of the basic necessities like quality food, quality education, and quality health services. The families of these children are often found struggling to get help and support for their young ones so that they can treated equally in the society. The families are deprived of funds to provide quality medical attention for their young ones. There also exist a category of parents who were found to kill then new born as soon as they found out that their child is mentally handicapped, just to avoid humiliation in the society.

In Ireland these special kids are look upon with humiliation. They are referred as mongoloid, and are robbed with their due dignity and ...
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