Women And Management Development

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Women and Management Development

Women and Management Development


One of the most significant factors of modern times provided the separation of ownership and control, and has been the growing onset of managers and large-scale organizations. The management functions tend to be associated, in the minds and in practice, with the men. Although women have been steadily increasing their qualifications and enter the working life, the number of women occupying top positions in organizations is still very low (Caligiuri & Tung, 1999). This complicity between management and masculinity is due not only to the stereotypes dominant in society in relation to men and women, but also the researchers themselves ignore systematically in their analysis, the importance and influence of gender. Modern theories of organization, dating back to classical authors as Taylor, Fayol, Weber, Durkheim, Simmel and Tonnies, ignored the importance of gender in their studies, or treated it as a variable organizational reduced to stereotypes, with the recent developments of these theories have not altered much this situation (Barsh & Yee, n.d.). Thus, theories about management, from the most classical or conventional, to the most recent bold, tend to maintain and reproduce and so strengthen the imaginary male management. In fact, the view that organizations are not neutral in terms of gender is very recent organizational theories.

Women in Human Resources Management

The microcosms organizational largely reflect social reality. Thus, it has been observed that when women come to organizations and when they occupy management positions, they have been assigned roles socially focusing on the reproducing paper copies, or being a secretary and, secondly, mostly in areas considered as feminine the case of the departments of Human Resources Management (HRM) of Communication and Public Relations. Burke (1997) stresses the importance of the socialization process in choosing these areas by women. According to the author, as women were not educated in the sense of having a career when they enter the corporate world, they carry with them the roles they should have played at home (Burke, 1997).

The fact that women are preferred for Personnel departments or Human Resources, is related not only with the fact of being given a role socially driven, but is also directly related to the organizational structure, since it comes to departments that generally is given less importance in organizations and where women experience greater difficulties in terms of diversity management training required to reach the top of the organizations (Hoobler, Lemmon & Sandy, 2011). The area of Personnel Management / HRM is an area that presents some peculiarities in organizations and management, as evidenced also in relation to gender. Analysis of the literature we conclude that in recent years (since the 80s) the term Personnel Management has been replaced, in business and academia, with the term Human Resources Management.

The boys learn to compete early. The girls are encouraged to develop activities where the spirit of cooperation and delivery personnel are commonly invoked, thereby intending to prepare them Mothers the role. Despite the belief that men and women possess characteristics of gender and ...
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