Wireless Flagpole

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Wireless Flagpole


We are living in an age where the technological developments have reached to the highest peaks. This is the age in which super computers are developed, and the cars are now running on hydrogen. Keeping all of these advancements in mind I have decided to develop a wireless flagpole for my senior design project. This wireless flagpole consist of a set of three flag poles, these flagpoles does not need any wiring, as they could simply be accessed wirelessly. I have installed a 12 Volt motor for the circuit to work more efficiently. Along with this the circuit will consists of a motor built on the base of the circuit, it will enable the opener of the circuit to sit upright by using several boards along with that this motor will be supported by a metallic element for helping the motor to stay upright and level. For the designing of the circuitry part of the project, I will use PIC Basic and assembler for the programming of the flag poles. I will lay the whole circuitry on the breadboard before I put the whole circuit on the protoboard for the finished final product

Table of Contents

Wireless Flagpole1

Project Description7

Final Schematic Diagrams9

Schematic diagram of the sensors in the wireless flag pole9

Wireless device used in the flag pole10

Schematic diagram of the wireless flagpole11

Plan to construct the Design Project11

Picture report16


Wireless Device16

Chain Channel Assembly17

Base of the flag pole17

Construct box18

Flag Pole18

Estimated Bill of the materials used in the senior project19

Final Schematic Diagrams21

Schematic diagram of the sensors in the wireless flag pole21

Wireless device used in the wireless flag pole22

Schematic diagram of the wireless flagpole23

Senior Design Project Phase 2: Actual Timeline23

Senior Design Project Phase 2: Actual Timeline24







Construction Narrative26

Site for the project26

Cost for the project27

Design for the project27


User's Manual for the Motorized flag pole30

Up Routine:30

Down Routine:30

Half Mast up Routine:30

Half Mast down Routine:30

Emergency Stop:30


Wireless Flagpole

Project Description

There are some changes that have been made by me for my senior design project, although these changes were not too significant to my original plan, almost everything is same including the designing of the circuit of the flagpole. My design project consist of a set of three flag poles, these flagpoles does not need any wiring, as they could simply be accessed wirelessly. I have installed a 12 Volt motor for the circuit to work more efficiently. Along with this the circuit will consists of a motor built on the base of the circuit, it will enable the opener of the circuit to sit upright by using several boards along with that this motor will be supported by a metallic element for helping the motor to stay upright and level. In the next step, I will be drilling the bolts into the base of the circuit, these bolts can be moved up and down for fine tuning and leveling of the circuit. The slight changes that have occurred from my original plan include the use of wireless connectivity, because my original plan does not have any information regarding the use of wireless ...