William Carlos Williams, “The Crowd at the Ball Game,” Dial, 1921.
William Carlos Williams (Rutherford, New Jersey, September 17 of 1883 - ibid, March 4 of1963) was a writer U.S. linked to modernism and imagism. It is especially known for his poetry. In addition to practice as a doctor and write dramas and prose varied, Williams is one of the poets' modernists most innovative and admired. He was a classmate of poets Ezra Pound and Hilda Doolittle, and the early poems were influenced by the imagism.
He later became a promoter of literary use of spoken colloquial. Her ear for the rhythms of natural English spoken helped free the poetry of the metric that prevailed in the verse in English from the Renaissance. Overcome the tendency imagist, is a poet of great expressive simplicity and easy to understand, with a taste for the riddle, interested in the constant experimentation and intimacy lyric. Like other modernists, try diluting the figure of the poet, leaving that speaks the poem itself (Mariani, pp. 121-129).
Williams believes that the true objective awakens the imagination of the perceiver, not the reverse. Use the free verse and visual layout of the lines mark the poetic structure. In his Paterson, written over several years, mixing poetry, prose and even fragments of collage including advertising. It is a kind of bio epic of a doctor-poet, but formally consists of a montage of scenes and images with a few verbs that explicitly link.
The poem written by William Carols Williams by the name “The Crowd at the Ball Game,” Dial, 1921 considered to be the one of the best masterpiece of Williams because in this poem, Williams highlighted his love and passion for the baseball game from the eye of a person who sitting in the crowd.
The poem highly describes the love of Williams for the baseball and no doubt that during that period, baseball became the most popular game of the United States. According to the writer, the poem as by the title covers all the aspects of the crowd, for example, when the game is interesting than at that time crowd is enthusiastic, when the game is in the boring phase, the crowd also start getting bored. Therefore, Williams's main aim was to highlight each and every aspect of the crowd, who is completely mad for the baseball game (Willaims, et. al., pp. 185-192).
Williams gave different names to the crowd in the poem. At one stage, he referred the crowd by the name of “Beautiful”, similarly, at one stage, the crowd was named as “saluted”, and at last the crowd was called as “defied”. According to the writer, all these terms referred to the different emotional conditions of the crowd during the match because everyone knows the fact the Americans really passionate for the game, and to control emotions during the game is not an easy task.
The author further describes that the poem was written after the WW I and the Russian Revolution that is why the readers witnessed a revolution touch in the poem because in the 20th century, Europe witnessed a radical increase in fascism and the United States was witnessing The Ku Kulx Klan, however, after the release of the most controversial movie of that time “Birth of a Nation”, the safety concerns for the white Christian American risen. Therefore, to protect themselves, they armed themselves. However, the main concern ...