Why People Quit?

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Why People Quit?


In this study we try to explore the concept of “People Quitting Jobs” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “People Quitting Jobs” and its relation with “Human choices and preferences made to external factors around them”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “People Quitting Jobs” and tries to gauge its effect on “individual choices and preferences of candidates separated from the organization”. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for “People Quitting Jobs” and tries to describe the overall effect of “Job Quitting” on “individuals”.

Table of Contents


Why People Quit Jobs?4


Job Satisfaction4

Organizational Commitment5

Job stress5




Why People Quit Jobs?


There have been several encounters where proper reasoning and explanations have been discussed as to why people quit jobs. It has been noticed and discussed that individuals, who are most satisfied with all perks and privileges provided, leave organizations with the simplest reasons that do not justify their reason of separation. This paper shall be covering all the core factors that motivate employee to attempt for job quitting and at the same time making amendments for the organizations made.

Job Satisfaction

Job satisfaction is the difference between what an individual's expectations, needs or values about the job are, and what the job actually delivers. Job satisfaction is vital for personal well-being and organizational effectiveness. Dissatisfaction with a job and/or lack of commitment to the organization may cause individuals to seek alternative positions. The most commonly cited motivator not to quit job is the job itself, whether it is routine, creative or useful. Additionally, the need for challenge and achievements, the components of job satisfaction, plays a significant role in influencing turnover intentions among IT professionals (Dunham and Klafehn, 1990).

Several studies also found that job satisfaction is one of the most important factors for turnover intention among IT professionals. It was found that turnover intention among IT professionals is defined by job satisfaction and workplace characteristics such as trust in senior management, information sharing, structural fairness, and job security. Of these, job satisfaction has the highest impact on behavioral intention to quit job. They found that both job satisfaction and emotional exhaustion are significant factors for turnover intention. From among these, job satisfaction exerts the strongest effect (Gray and Anderson, 1985).

Organizational Commitment

Organizational commitment reflects “the feelings of employees about shared norms and employees' willingness to exert effort on behalf of the organization”. The concept of organizational commitment gained increasing attention with a negative relationship between absenteeism, employee turnover and organizational commitment (McDaniel and Wolf, 1992). Especially, this negative relationship between organizational commitment and turnover is found to be stronger in higher status occupations (e.g., professionals) than lower-status occupations (e.g., blue-color employees). Thus, job satisfaction and organizational commitment significantly affect an employee's intention to remain in his organization. In addition, the major impact in explaining the behavioral intention to quit job arose from these two factors. Also, it is a natural expectation that committed employees will exhibit less motivation to change their jobs, as they ...
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