Who Were The First Americans And How Did They Arrive Here?

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Who Were The First Americans And How Did They Arrive Here?

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Who Were The First Americans And How Did They Arrive Here?


The habitation of America has been a heavily debated topic in history and anthropology for centuries. Traditionally, it has been a strong belief that Native Americans descended from the region of Northeast Asia, through a land bridge between Alaska & Siberia Twelve thousand years ago and then they migrated across South and North America. It was a simple and apparently unquestionable answer to the question of when and how the first settlers made it to Americas. These people were Clovis and were toolmakers and expert hunters.

It is time to redraft the story of how Stone Age explorers colonized the continents. The debate has been deep and wide for centuries. The researchers and scientists have gone deep into the discoveries and research on the topic. A collection of newly discovered tools discovered in Texas suggests that people might have colonized the region thousands of years before the Clovis people arrived here. A Genetic study of Native American people is also a major motivator of reformulating the traditional model of American colonization. The studies regarding colonization of America have developed a new hypothesis in anthropological ground that the colonization of America incorporated a set of migrations from different people in different times via different routes. This recent DNA based research unveils new objections to old Clovis model. The new research presents a detailed analysis of male Y-chromosomal genetic markers in about 1,000 individuals, representing 50 South American tribal local populations. The finding demonstrates that the early human colonization of the Americas was not a single migration process.

A wide range of researchers are into the research for a long time and have discovered significantly challenging elements for the Clovis model. An anthropological skulls' study uncovered in the region of Baja California in Mexico derives that the Native Americans who are considered the ancestors of today's Amerindians may not be the real ancestors of today's Amerindians, but other people who arrived from Southeast Asia and Southern Pacific. The skulls from Baja California, which are considered to be few hundred years old, have slender-looking faces, which are significantly different, from the broad-cheeked faces of modern Amerindians. The settlement of Americas can better be explained by considering a constant arrival of explorers from Asia. Still, none of studies have concluded something concrete and final, and the matter is still unsolved, may be because it is a sensitive topic for Amerindians.

Challenging Clovis

Ten years ago, archaeologists suggested that first Americans would have arrived in the Americas 14,000 years ago by walking on a bridge which connected Alaska with Siberia. Since 1980s, the evidences and studies suggest a much earlier colonization of America ranging from 15,000 to 22,000 years ago. An excavation team from Brazil has claimed that they have found stone tools, which date back to 22,000 years. The tools are claimed to be studied thoroughly and according to study the ...
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