What Are The Fundamental Principles Of Ethics?

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What are the fundamental principles of ethics?


Speaking of ethics and morals in a society which is often asked by the true meaning of what is to be valued as moral, which are the main means of transmitting them, and seizing them, Lawrence Kohlberg presents the human being in its possibilities of agent and subject, i.e., constituents off and consisting of the long process of acquisition of moral behavior. This being said, Kohlberg, has iterated a path that redefines morality until the end of the life of the human. The author revisits the Piagetian model of moral development and perfects it. This study tries to do a brief review of the Development Theory. The research paper would defend the concepts of morality as described and defended by the author, punctuating his ideas, mechanisms of activation, and providing brief similarities and differences to the model.

What are the fundamental principles of ethics - Perspective of Moral Development Theory?


Ethics is the branch of philosophy that deals with moral issues, however it differs from morality because while morality is based on obedience to norms, customs, cultural or religious to ethics demand that human beings think for themselves and look for the best way to live with others around them. In antiquity, all philosophers understood ethics as study of the means to achieve happiness and investigate what means happiness. However, during the middle ages, philosophy was dominated by Christianity and by Islam, and ethics is centered on the moral interpretation of the commandments of religious precepts. The Renaissance and the seventeenth century, philosophers rediscovered the ethical themes of antiquity, and ethics was seen again as the means to study the achievement of well-being and happiness of humanity (Walker, 1989).

Ethics after the industrial revolution came to be defined as the science that studies human behavior and morality is quality of this conduct from the point of view of good and evil. Ethics should not be confused with the law even if the law has as base the ethical, because no individual may be required by the State or its citizens to fulfill ethical principles.

The main premise of this paper is to discuss the fundamental principles of ethics and morals, from the development perspective. As such moral development theory by Kohlberg would be explored and discussed in detail.


The core values ??of a code of ethics are good, justice, honesty, loyalty, sincerity and solidarity. Its value is the quality of the resulting potential consideration that an individual or company makes about a object or an action, which makes it desirable and worthy of esteem. The characteristics of this value are opposites as good and evil, justice and injustice, the range of values ??that mark the different priorities from individual to individual, from society to society and from culture to culture and story in which the values ??vary according to the historical and cultural context.


Deontology is the ethical theory that holds that morality as an action should conform to the duty (professional family, etc.), and that human beings must ...
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