Webliography—communication Styles And Collaboration

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Webliography—Communication Styles and Collaboration

Webliography—Communication Styles and Collaboration


Communication phenomenon is so critical in human life. Starting from birth to death, the process of communication occurs in every moment of life. Communication can be interpersonal or intrapersonal: interpersonal communication is the process of exchange of ideas, thoughts and feelings between two or more people through verbal and non-verbal massages. The purpose of this paper is to identify five journal articles on interpersonal communication and/or communication styles, and critically analyze those articles in brief. A synthesis of all of these articles is provided in conclusion.


Article 1

Dasgupta et. al. (2013), investigate, through the lens of organization support theory and social exchange theory, the assertive, aggressive, and passive styles of supervisors/managers that impact perceived support of supervisor and to assess whether the support enhances satisfaction of employees with their organizational-based self-esteem and the supervisors' communication style. This paper also evaluates whether commitment, performance, and absenteeism of employees is influenced by their self-esteem and satisfaction. 400 employees of ten different Indian manufacturing firms were surveyed. The study found that assertive communication style imparts utmost support to employees. Employees' satisfaction is increased by perceived support of managers at the workplace with organization-based self-esteem and communication of supervisors. Contentment with communication nurtures a robust emotional bond with organizations and employees' absenteeism is reduced because of the strong emotional ties with organizations.

Article 2

De Vries et. al., (2009) conducted a multi-phase lexical study so as to find out the crucial communication styles' dimensions. The selection of adjectives and verbs was done, in the first two phases, on the basis of their capacity to explain styles of communication. A study was carried out, in the third phase, using 441 respondents who gave self-ratings on 837 verbs and 744 adjectives. After submission of verbs and adjectives to principal components analysis, orthogonal Procrustes rotation was performed in order to form within-sample replicability, which led to substantiation of 4 to 7 major dimensions of communication style. The acronym PRESENT is formed by the seven dimensions of communication style, i.e., preciseness, reflectiveness, expressiveness, supportiveness, emotionality, niceness, and threateningness. A meaningful relationship was found between the scales rooted in the seven dimensions and the interpersonal scale; however, the intrapersonal scales are not meaningfully related to Communication Style Scale. This study discusses results in view of current communication style scales, personality structure and the interpersonal circumplex.

Article 3

De Vries et. al., (2010), in their paper, examine the relations between communication styles of leaders and human-oriented leadership, charismatic leadership, task-oriented leadership (initiating structure of leader), and leadership outcomes. 279 employees of a governmental organization were surveyed, and six main communication styles including verbal aggressiveness, assuredness, preciseness, expressiveness, argumentativeness and supportiveness, were operationalized in the study. This study found that human-oriented and charismatic leadership are mostly communicative, whereas task-oriented leadership is considerably less communicative. Furthermore, there were strong and differential relationship of communication styles to perceived performance of leader, knowledge sharing behaviors, contentment with the leader, and team commitment of subordinate. The association between the leadership outcomes and communication ...