Online communication is a mean to interact by using networked computers. World Wide Web is global database that allows the receiver and sender to communicate online. It allows the participants to interact, read and write via using websites or computer-mediated communication (Seock & Chen-Yu, 2007). The breakdown of web communication can be classified in three areas; social media; web based content; and analytics. However, web communication is more than social media that includes social sites, wikis, and blogs. It also includes web-based content, such as navigation, SEO, redirects and URLs. It also requires analytics, means an individual would like to know the value, which can be done through the combination of social media, web and E-mail to establish actionable output. This report will undertake the literature review and evaluation of universities websites under the discussed criteria.
Literature Review
The University of Indiana as “Cultural Similarities and Difference in the Design of University Websites” conducted the research. The study has examined the differences in culture and design similarities in websites of universities by using model of Hofstede cultural dimensions (Callahan, 2005). This study analyzed the assessment of several websites. The analysis of homepages was based on two criteria, graphical design and organization. The result has recommended the use of cultural mode of Hofstede is a good way to carry out differences and similarities in the designing of website (Callahan, 2005).
It has been noticed in past ten years that numerous changes have been brought down to make function of the website pivotal to background. The background of the website gives distinction to other websites if they are executed effectively while comparing with other websites. The background of the website is an essential feature as it complements the user interface (Avouris, 2003). It is important for the programmer to execute the background effectively because cluttered on the website may distract users, or use of font colors in a way that they are not prominently visible to user may create some difficulty in reading for the user. The key point to the research was not to prove a valid point that background must be executed effectively that it do not distract the users or drift away the attention of the user from the content of the website, rather it should be use in a way that provide enhancement to fonts and navigation.
With the evolution of sites, it has become more cute need to create online resources that can be a truly effective tool for customer service (Avouris, 2003). In this regard, online sources have significantly increases the relevance of the usability problems that has affected the domestic researchers. With regard to web-resources, usability can be understood as an aggregate characteristic of design, navigation, software and technical features of the site. Practice shows that a poorly designed site is loaded with inconvenience for users, which subsequently leads to the growth of discontent site, reducing time spent on it, and perhaps to the care of the ...