(walton House) Tennessee Tech University

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(Walton house) Tennessee Tech university

(Walton house) Tennessee Tech university



Writing an Argument


What's next for me? Would I be doing IT project management all my life? What if I want to change my career and industry? Do I have the knowledge, capability and connections to sustain in this economy? How can I grow and earn more? With these and few more questions, I started evaluating if I need MBA and if it could help me anyway. Here are some of the key factors that helped me make a decision to go for MBA (Study, 2008).

Career Growth

I have been progressing in my career, but am at a juncture where my next step would be in top management positions. I can get into these positions but it would take years of experience. An MBA degree can help me move up the ladder fast. Nearly 80% of top executives polled in a recent survey said that earning a graduate degree in business is important for those who want to obtain top management positions in most companies. As viewed by the Wharton Business School, MBA is not an end in itself, but a means to an end. It is a degree designed to give you the ability to develop your career to its fullest potential, at an accelerated pace.

I have always considered MBA as a very costly affair costing nearly half of my annual salary. Always had this question - Is it worth investing this amount? Based on my own research with my friends on job and salary, I realized that MBA offers good return on investment. According to a study conducted, IT professionals with MBAs earn 46 percent more than those with just a bachelor's degree (Source: BizBuzz. An MBA can also increase job security with my current employer or ...
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