Vegas Micro Computer

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Vegas Micro Computer

Vegas Micro Computer

Simulation analysis

The name of the company chosen by the management of the company is Vegas Micro Computer which manufactures three kinds of products in the computer technologies which are Workhorse, Mercedes and Traveler. The three products will be priced very competitively as the customers of the three products want computer related products which are priced less. The market research shows that the customers will be willing to pay $2,500, $4,000 and $3,200 respectively for the three products of Vegas Micro Computer. The initial market research conducted by the market research firm was based on the survey of how likely will the customers buy computers in the next 12 months and what quantity in terms of numbers are they planning to purchase. The market research also included the calculation of the number of customers in the geographic region which Vegas Micro Computer has chosen to serve. The research also included the estimation of the market potential which was calculated as a product of the probability of the purchase of computers by the customers, the number of units expected to be purchased by the customers and the number of customers in the geographic region.

Market Research

For the purpose of management of the simulation business we reviewed the market research conducted by the research firm. The potential demand of the products was found to be substantial in the geographic regions of Paris, New York, Sao Paulo, and Tokyo. The demand was expected to be the highest in the Paris region and the least demand was expected to be in Tokyo.

As a part of management we had to decide on an appropriate mission statement of the virtual business. The mission statement that we developed was that Vegas Micro Computer will strive to be the best in the manufacture of the information technologies which are very advanced technologically, which will include computer softwares, systems used in networking, devices of mass storage and microelectonic products. The aim of Vegas Micro Computer will be to provide value to the customers by providing professional computer related solutions and services to the customers.

The market size analysis showed that the there could be three types of aims for the management. The management can focus on the smaller segments of the markets and the segments which yield the highest margins. The management can also focus on the large segments of the market which are very competitive in nature and serve the customers by keeping the prices of the products low and competitive. The actions related to the geographic markets involve the management to focus on the small geographic markets which have the potential customers wanting the products which are very low with regard to their prices and the geographic areas which are very low in terms of their costs of production. The management has also decided to focus on the largest geographic segments of the market which have very large potential customers but the cost of operating in those geographic markets is very ...