U.S. Graduate Labour Market

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Job Application Process

Job Application Process

Analysis of the Labour Market

Recent graduates from colleges and universities enter the labour force market in the United States every year. The graduates have high hopes and big dreams to achieve at this point of their lives. In year 2011, the rate of unemployment for the recent graduates in the age group between 20 to 29 years old was 12.6%. There is a change in the rate for the bachelor degree holders and advanced degree i.e. 8.6% and 13.5%. No doubt, the situation is better as compared to the market situation in 2009. However, college and university graduates' unemployment rate has always remained above the margin before the recession in 2007-2009. If we distinguish the rates between men and women, we come to some noticeable conclusion. Men alone who enrolled for bachelor degree in 2011 were subjected to the unemployment rate of around 16.1% and women had the rate mounted to 11.2%. It is also a fact that the rate of unemployment is comparatively high among men as compared to women. It mounted twice the rate o women with 26.6%. In the same year, the rate among men with advanced degrees was 12% in comparison to 6.1% among women with advanced degrees (Bureau of Labour Statistics, 2013).

In 2011, the employed recipients of bachelor or advanced degrees constituted 2 out of every 5 professionals worked at educational and healthcare services. If I will distinguish the statistics, 20% of most recipients of bachelor's degree and 30% of most recipients of advanced degrees had employment at educational services. There is another area of the profession that received the attention is the social assistance. Around 18% of the most recent bachelor's degree and 25% of most recipients of advanced degree had worked at healthcare services and social assistance. Around 1-quarter of recipients in 2011 with an advanced degree had employment in professional and corporate services. This is also an interesting fact that most recent recipients of bachelor degree constituted approximately all the most recent graduate employment at leisure and hospitality industry (Spreen, 2013).

Strength of Teamwork

At every organization, employees are the major asset and liability at the same time. This counts as one of the reasons for hiring exceptional personnel. Besides having exceptional leaders we have to have competent workers. The leaders must understand the implications of creating positive energy and power to encourage the team to achieve mutual set goals with their individual's dynamic energy. Positive flow of hired energy and team work is imperative to the promising and long term success of the company. On the other hand, the negative energy can spoil the gist of the teamwork. Managing teamwork, one has to understand every individual's strengths and weaknesses. This also includes allocating of the right energy where the other member may need support or the two or more members can complement to each other's strengths and weaknesses (Cowling & Mailer, 2013, pp.1-2).

Balancing the team is the major job for the ...