Unit 4: Developing A Quality Team - Final: Leadership And Supervision Portfolio

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Unit 4: Developing a Quality Team - Final: Leadership and Supervision Portfolio

Leadership Bio Statement3

ECE Role3

Leadership Goal3

Leadership Beliefs4

Leadership Style4

Job Description4

Staff Recruitment and Selection4

High Quality Staff5


Leadership and Supervision Portfolio

Leadership Bio Statement

My name is Sam Walmock. I am an educationalist with more than 5 years in public edification. I am a national of Colorado and took early education from the local grade school and high school in the town. My personal leadership style is adaptive to particular demands and situations. Leader influences employee towards goals, how it is done, what are the involved process, what is the goal to achieve, and who will be responsible to achieve the goal. I believe that a leader has to adapt every leadership style according to the situation for long-term success.

ECE Role

My name is Debra A. McLaurin I prefer to have collaborative administration that promotes team work and joint effort in the accomplishment of any educational project. This supervisory approach is linked with my structural framework of leadership. In the role of ECE, I clearly describe targets, assign duties, and manage tasks with particular protocols. I possess great exploratory abilities and can devise effectual schemes.

Leadership Goal

The collaborative and adaptive style of leadership entails communal decision-making by the administrator and educator. This style is most advantageous when educators are working at reasonable growth stages, educators and administrators have same proficiency, and both are devoted to solve any dilemma. The main purpose is make educator completely independent.

Leadership Beliefs

It is my natural inclination to direct in a shared way, I consider that supervisors must be capable to modify their approaches depending on the requirements of their staff. When educators are inexperienced, a directive course is most suitable. When educators are experienced, a more collaborative style is accommodating. I attempt to defeat my drawbacks as a structural supervisor and modify ...