Unit 3: Group Project Supply And Management

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Unit 3: Group Project Supply and Management

Unit 3: Group Project Supply and Management

This paper intends to develop a high-level analysis of both clients' manufacturing processes as a preliminary report that will subsequently be delivered to the client. Two different clients given in the scenario include, SBS seating, they manufacture leather seating that consists of various components assembled in a car. The second client is MLD Hospital's Diagnostic Medicine unit. The unit is primarily responsible for processing patients' blood work. This report addresses the following three questions after reading the given scenario:

Answer to Question # 01

Manufacturing and service operations have dissimilarities, however also similarities. For instance, both formulate mission statements and a vision of how the firms will operate and professed by customers. Each manufacturer or provider desires to lead the industry in its particular market. Nevertheless, service and manufacturing operations design various strategies when it emerges to planning and organizing the manner in which a firm is operated (Iravani, et.al, 2005).

Manufacturing operations design and manufacture concrete and substantial goods, which are tangible products and that can be seen and held. The process of manufacturing can be kaput into two categories i.e. procedure and distinct manufacturing. Whilst procedure manufacturers generate goods that classically employ formulae and ingredients, for instance, as mentioned in the scenario; frames, electrical parts (heating and comfort features); padding; and leather sewing. On the contrary, service operations offer specific insubstantial services, which may not be simply identifiable. Service operations can be categorized into several industries, like hospitality, banking, consultancy, advertising, and medical as illustrated in the scenario (Roth, 2007).

After comparing and contrasting manufacturing and service operations, it is identified that manufacturing operations purely applies to SBS seating and service operations applies to MLD Hospital's Diagnostic Medicine unit.

Answer to Question # 02

In order to determine of SBS and MLD use batch or continuous flow processes in their manufacturing, an ordinary example of everyday routine is analyzed. Suppose in a cocktail party, someone inquires the manager of a car manufacturing company, who had a past experience of working in a hospital's diagnostic medicine unit, as well. The manager has been asked to compare and contrast the distinctions between batch and continuous flowing processes. He (manager) peacefully lowers his martini, grasp the adjacent table napkin, and continue to draw the subsequent image:

The manager further explains that assume we all work in a car manufacturing company or business and there are three steps to manufacture the car that includes the interior body (seats and other essential parts), the exterior body (wheels, mirrors and important parts), and the paint. The engineers working in car manufacturing company decide that the most optimal method to construct the cars would be to batch them up into clusters of ten, and pass them from initial step to the subsequent in big cluster (Baxendale, et.al, 2006).

If we presume it takes one minute for one car at each step, then we would anticipate the subsequent outcomes:

Time to construct first car: 21 minutes

Time to construct first cluster of ten: 30 ...