Unit 3 Discussion Board

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Unit 3 discussion board

Unit 3 discussion board


Part 1

Crime control or due process in contemporary American society

Due process and crime control are two models developed to eliminate criminal activity in American society. However, in order to select the best method out of two, it is important to understand the functioning of both these mode (Duff, 1998). Firstly, a crime control model comprises of thoughts that elimination of criminal activity is the essential responsibility of authorities, and legal structure, primarily to maintain the law and order in society, and allow citizens with the opportunity of living their life without any fear.

The prime objective of introducing crime control model in American society was to protect innocent people from criminal elements. For example, assume that a criminal broke into your house, stole your money and other important items; misbehave with your daughter and wife, after this incident will you feel safe at your home. However, after witnessing a culprit being punished by courts you feel that with the implementation of crime control, your life is somewhat safe. On the other hand, it is also a fact, that during the course of crime control sometimes innocent individual are framed, and punished, but according to authorities to it is a small price for the overall benefits of society.

Due process model

This model is being described as a well-organized process in which a case against the culprit is analyzed by the members of process before taking it forward to courts. Alternatively, in simple terms this model is based on concepts of rules, regulation, and rights. This model can be better understood from the following scenario. For instance, suppose you are being accused for a crime, which is not committed by you, but because of circumstances, you cannot prove your innocence, and most importantly, you are being arrested ...
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