Unit 1 Ip & Unit 1 Db - Employment And Labor Law

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Unit 1 IP & Unit 1 DB - Employment and Labor Law

Unit 1 IP Employment and Labor Law


This paper is designed for giving an overview of the suggested applicant testing program for Steep Bar. The post for which the organization is interested to test the applicant is for a Manager. The organization wants a physically strong candidate for the job and also a person who is able to handle various confronted situations in an effective manner.

Testing the Candidates

A good personality of the manager has so many things involved in it. Physical appearance is the least important thing in the case and the person who is able to deal with the situations must have cognitive ability. According to Carroll, (1993), this is basically an ability is basically the mechanism regarding how an individual learns, solve and remember things, this is not simply about the knowledge of a subject or matter.

Cognitive Ability

Cognitive ability is really important for the individuals and makes them easy to confront different situations and scenarios which they have to manage. The post for which the Steep Bar is looking for an appropriate candidate, the requirement of such kind of ability is really very high (Hausdorf et al, 2003).

There are various important things which must be considered at the time of looking at the cognitive abilities in the individual who is being recognized as a suitable candi

General Mental Abilities:

The overall capacity of the individual to deal with different kind of ideas and ways to solve any particular problems is the matter of concern in this part. This tells that the results of the acts being performed are recognized or not by the manager or not.

Handling Numbers:

Numerical intelligence is very important and this must be tested. This ability basically reflects that the applicant has a capacity for incorporating and giving reasoning for the numbers and the information those numbers have (www.prevuehr.com).

Working with words:

This shows the ability to use good words when there is requirement. Written and oral both are considered in this part, as both are really import part which complete the personality of the person who is acting as manager.

Working with Shapes:

Mental manipulation of the objects is really important; this is for the mental and physical both kinds of manipulations. Various dimensions in which the person actually thinks come in this (www.prevuehr.com).

Employment Law

The cognitive ability for the post is really essential and the employment laws are not a problem when the organsaition is looking for such an important post these requirements are natural.

Adverse Effect

Afar from providing a direct improved level of opportunity for leaving, cognitive ability might also be affecting effecting the search and separation. This is being said due to the realation association it has with education and training performance (Boudreau et al, 1999).

Personality testing

Bu giving a the recent restoration of the dispositional viewpoints in various organizations, absence of the dispositional variables for most of the empirical research in the case of job search

And the separation are really ...
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