Uc Personal Statement

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UC Personal Statement

UC Personal Statement

UC Personal Statement

Transfer Applicant Prompt

My intended majors are biochemistry and microbiology. I developed a deep interest in biology and chemistry right when I was in the final year of my high school. When I graduated from Ben Lippen Christian School in 2009, I had built a strong appeal for learning these sciences. As a child, I was extremely fond of watching TV channels like Discovery and Animal Planet. At that time, watching surgery movies and animals would have been a weird thing for many of my friends. I, however, used to explore the intricacies of human body, its structure and anatomy, its anomalies and their treatment. My inspiration for learning biochemistry drew from my hard life experiences and contacts with poor people. I always wished there were no diseases. In my hometown 'Macau, China,' I had seen people drinking contaminated water for quenching their thirst. I knew that a few medical innovations could help the humanity fight off some very fatal diseases.

It could be hard for resident students of U.S. to imagine that misery. We are fortunate to have some of the best environments and healthcare here. Unfortunately, the larger world is not so blessed (Raggett, 1995). In my many Asian countries (including my own) the humanity calls for efforts in area of environment protection, healthcare, biochemistry and microbiology. When I was 12, I went to help the victims of flooding and earthquake through the Red Cross platform. The sights and sounds of the diseased humanity intensified my urge to become a doctor myself one day.

I also happened to be an international representative and president in my high school in South Carolina. I helped in formulating international plans directed in help and relief efforts. Besides that, I am an honor society student in high school ...
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