Two Stories Two Stories

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Two Stories


Two Stories


This paper intends to compare and contrast the two stories of Amitai Etzioni and Maureen Brown. Both the stories are related to the children students working along with their studies. The purpose of this paper is to make the reader aware about the various underlying aspects of children working and its significant impacts on their early education. I believe children should be working while going to school as it impacts their education extensively. This paper will compare and contrast the stories of Amitai Etzioni and Maureen Brown.


Amitai Etzioni remains one of the most important intellectual of the American literature. The story chosen for the purpose of discussion is related to the world of fast food. The author has started the story by suggesting that the fast food restaurants especially McDonalds are not only bad for the health of young children. He emphasized on the fact that McDonalds is focusing on getting its jobs done from teenagers which is extremely wrong at core. Despite the fact that child labor is banned in our society, employment of teenagers by McDonalds is ignored.

Moring on, the author has insisted on the fact that almost two third of America's high school students are working as part time employees. The most important employer industry of teenagers remains the world of fast food restaurants, McDonalds being the trend setter of this sinful game. The author remains quite skeptical throughout the story to the behavior of fast food restaurants in employing teenagers. The author has reflected on the fact that employers like McDonalds undermine the importance of school attendance and significance of studies in the lives of teenagers (Amitai, 1986 Pp. 297-302).

The story is quite insightful to the fact that how the teenagers are ignoring the importance of education in our society due ...
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