Trust And Plagiarism

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Trust and Plagiarism

Trust and Plagiarism

Meaning of Trust from Biblical Perspective

The plan of God for us is to have complete “trust” in Him for all of our wants and desires (Haug, 2012). From Biblical point of view, trust means trusting only in God and not in anything else. Now in contrast, it is painless to trust in falsehood since it is far more attractive and gives us false hopes. From Biblical perspective, these fake promises take us far-off from truth and into wrongdoings based on rebelliousness to God (Haug, 2012).

Proverbs 3:5. - Trusting Yourself versus Trusting God

It is God's plan that we trust Him completely for all of our needs. And undoubtedly this trust is the spirit of having a firm belief in God. He wishes for us to frequently recognize Him and remain in close relationship with Him. Whenever we infringe His plan and instead trust only in our own comprehension, God judges our self-centered acts immoral and sinful. Since God is a virtuous God, he ought to separate himself from evilness (Haug, 2012). To steer clear of disconnection from God we ought to put His wisdom over ours and stay away from being self-centered. We ought to trust and believe that the only means to do things is by means of our Savior, Jesus Christ. To have closeness with God, we ought to act according to His will and choose the path only that He shows.

Psalm 49:6. - Trust God, Not Things

From Biblical point of view, trust stands for trusting God and not any other thing in this world. A number of people have their trust in resources and wealth and the wealth promises over God. Majority of people play lotteries and gamble for the reason that there is a promise of wealth if they succeed. Through their acts, they have far more expectation on winning the lottery as compare to the trust in God that He will make it for them. He wishes for us to not be deficient, but there are certain things that money cannot give us. Wealth cannot take us to heaven. Neither can it take our mother, spouse, and children into the heaven (Haug, 2012). There is only God who can grant us everlasting life. Each and every thing on this Earth, regardless of the worth, will one day decay, rust, fade or corrupt and come to an end except God and His promises will stay the same and by no means will distort.

Isaiah 59:4. - Trust Truth, It Has No Agenda and Never Fails

The meaning of trust is the dependence on the ability, strength, surety and integrity of a person or thing. One more way to define this is that trust is actually about depending on the assurance of what some other person or thing can do. The problem with trust is that generally people will slip-up an assurance for a truth. Here it is important to note that just because we trust in the honesty and integrity of someone does ...
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