Toronto Air Dome: The Project Management Plan

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Toronto Air Dome: The Project Management Plan

Executive Summary

The document presents a project management report. The name of the project is Toronto Air Dome. The project is about building an indoor football stadium. The purpose is not only to generate business but also to facilitate community well-being. The main idea focuses on encouraging sports activities by nullifying the weather constraints. The target market is High School Football. The document has many sections; each elaborating plans regarding a specific area of project management. The allotted budget is 170,000 GBP and the stadium size is that of Olympic Stadium. The document defines the scope of the project. The management plans are not strict, meaning they can be changed as per the requirements. Throughout this document the term 'the project' refers to “Toronto Air Dome”. The project management plan uses tables and descriptive paragraphs to explain its purpose. A brief introduction is presented to highlight the importance of project management. The introduction is followed by the project scope and purpose. It is necessary to mention that the document does not elaborate the business plan for Toronto Air Dome project. The write up focuses on the principles of project management. The document carries work breakdown structure into phases. The first phase is named phase 0 because it comprises of all the needed ground work. There are total of 6 phases that are numbered 0 to 5. Phase 5 focuses the marketing plan. Further, the paper discusses communication management plan, resource management plan, schedule management plan, change management plan. During the project management plan, there are various situations that require changes in the schedule or tasks. For that matter, change management plan provides a complete method to initiate and enforce change in the plan. The document does not cite quotations from the references rather use the knowledge from the refrence resources.


Project Description2

Project Purpose & Scope3


The cornerstones of the Project Framework4

Project Scope5

Outsourced Services5

Framework of Project5

Project Breakdown5

Change management Plan9

Communication Management Plan10

Communication Conduct11

Schedule Management Plan12

Roles & responsibilities:12

Quality Management plan13

Resource Management Plan13

Risk Factors management16


Financial risks16

Operational risks17

General risks17

The Plan17

The “make or buy” criteria18




Budget Breakdown20


The Project Management Plan


In order to complete a project successfully, the members of project management team should know the logical flow of the tasks. They should know the project breakdowns with distributed responsibilities among the resources (Cabanis et al, 2011). It is important to design a project management plan that analyzes all aspects of a project from cost of business idea to the resource management. Project management plans are developed to make it possible for the work to run in an uninterrupted manner. The two major benefits of effective project planning are that one can control the cost and complete the project on time. If a project is not completed during the estimated time, it has two consequences; increased cost, loss of business opportunities (Blokdijk, 2007). The document presents a project management plan for an indoor football stadium. The plan begins with presenting the purpose of the proposed project followed by the ...