Together We Stand Letter Resource: Ch. 10 (The Art Of Thinking)

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Together We Stand Letter Resource: Ch. 10 (The Art of Thinking)

Together We Stand Letter Resource: Ch. 10 (The Art of Thinking)

The community in which I am currently living is a couple of miles away from the city. My community is based on close knot relationships as every single individual in the community gets worried if other individual is going through bad times such as illness, shortage of money or food etc. In the beginning my community was having good time as there were less people living in the locality but now with the passage of time population has grown up and no various issues are faced by the society. There are some families that are found unable to manage the expanses of their family members and therefore their heath is getting highly affected. Thing is this that my community is facing issues related to sanitation and other hygiene issues. The local authorities are not complying with their assigned responsibilities as they are not fulfilling the requirements of the society. Fumigation and other health care services related to sanitation and cleanliness are not fulfilled effectively (Canam, 2012).

The community people are getting worried about these growing issues as there are homes in my locality that are found going through serious health issues such as flu, fever, cough, diarrhea and eye sight issues. The local authorities are not paying any attention towards these issues faced by the community people. There are various reasons behind these growing diseases and health issues such as lack of developmental activities such as medical clinics establishment and other necessary environmental measures. I do not understand that why these issues are not resolved on top priority. Health diseases like flu, fever, diarrhea etc. can spread in the community and can severely affect the health of all the ...
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