To Waken An Old Lady

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To Waken an Old Lady

To Waken an Old Lady


To Waken an Old Lady by William Carlos Williams is a poem that cracks down on the phase of old age (Charters & Charters, 2012). After going through the poem, my response experience was intrinsically influenced by a number of literary elements and devices used by the poet. Thus, the use of content, form and language were of great meaning and implication to the presentation of the whole poem. In point of fact it made me concentrate primarily on the old age prevalence.

Thesis Statement

In this poem, old age is symbolized by means of a number of elements that the poet used in the creation of the poem.


William Carlos William's “To Waken an Old Lady” is a poem that for all intents and purposes undertakes the phase of old age. For that reason, the poet makes use of many bookish tools in an attempt to construct the poem. While reading this poem I was pretty much magnetized by the approach used by the poet to present the poem. His use of literary devices truly has a positive effect on my experience. The elements of form, language and content were used remarkably in the poem. Moreover, literary devices have also been employed in the creation of the poem. Thus, these significantly used elements had a great influence on my reading experience.

The literary devices used by William Carlos William made me concentrate more on one prominent feature of the poem a compare to the others. The old age aspect and its widespread connotations significantly pulled my attention. This is attributable to the style in which the poet relates and connects the literary elements throughout the poem. I cannot disacknowledge the immense relevance of these elements on my reading experience. The poet makes outstanding use of a number of literary elements in the arrangement of the poem. The most important of these elements are content, form and language.

At first I was deeply fascinated by the aspect of content. The poet prefers to focus on old age as the most indispensable content of the poem. In reality it stimulated me as I went through the poem. Moreover, the language used by the poet was both simple as well as poetic. This, on the whole served two rationales at one fell swoop. The poetic language made it likely for the poem to be interesting and alluring initially as a text and after that as a communication medium. Furthermore, the language was easy enough to be understood by the reader.

The utilization of literary elements and devices by William Carlos Williams in the overall arrangement of the poem is truly praiseworthy. The form of the poem was extraordinary and played a significant part in building my response. I tried to crack down on the mood and attributes of the form utilized by the poet on the arrangement of old age by means of symbolism. This made up a major cause that influenced my reading experience in addition to ...