Theories Of Criminology In The Real World

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Theories of Criminology in the real world


There are various theories in the criminology which define the causes and also give the solution of crime. In this essay, I have put light on two theories which are more common and relevant to our life. To support these theories, we have taken the examples from the practical life. The first is strain theory and to support this we have discussed in detail the alcohol activity in the United States. The second is conflict theory and to support this we have chosen the killing incident of a policy officer. In addition, we have also studied in detail in order to find out the relevant material, data, reports, news and articles as well. Theories of Criminology in the real world


Today the world is moving from general to specific, it is because of the research. The research in every discipline reaches at the peak point. However, there is still a lot room to find out the many unknown truths about the people, society and nature as a whole. In the past, the criminal behavior had read under the subject of sociology. The sociologists believed that like social interaction, it is part of their study. The increase in crime in the society compelled the researchers to work in that particular area. In this way, the field of criminology emerged. Today, criminology is a separate discipline in which various programs are offering worldwide. It is the field in which, we are learning the causes, nature, scope of crime and how to control it. The criminologists are always viewing this criminal behavior with respective to individual and society.

There are various schools of thoughts in the criminology. The most common are the Classical, Positivist and Chicago. The Classical school says, it is the nature of human being to avoid from the stress and pain. So, punishment is necessary for the crime (Chambliss, W. J. 1966). People will definitely try to keep them away from the crime. In criminology, it refers to deterrence through which laws are made to fear the people about the punishment of crime. The positivist school argues, all things are not in the control of human being. Sometimes he is unable to control the behavior and commit the crime. This school takes help from the biological, psychological and social positivism concepts of human personality. The Chicago school focuses on the urban life. According to this school in the urban areas there are so many social evils. These evils damage the social structure of the society. In result, people deviant from the right path and attracted towards the crime Block, R. (1979).

Moreover, there are various criminal theories which define the particular criminal behavior of the individual. On the basis of these theories, the research in many societies is going on. The most interesting thing is that these theories are also giving the solution of particular criminal activity. The labeling theory suggests that do not label someone as criminal. When he becomes notorious in the society, ...