The Training Need Analysis

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The Training Need Analysis

The Training Need Analysis


The training need analysis is the process to review the learning needs within organization at organizational level, departmental level, and individual level. This process involves the methods to identify learning needs through strategies which include analysis of the existing strategies, plans to identify required skills, questionnaires for assessment, and evaluate outcomes (NCVO, 2004). The training need analysis is conducted for the IBM organization

IBM's Organizational Analysis and its Training Needs

IBM is recognized as the organization which proactively participates in the training process. In today's globally competitive business environment, organizations need to improve in terms of both skills and technology to survive and prove their selves. IBM periodically conducts training programs for their employees to

Improve the performance and effectiveness of the organization.

Achieve the Customer satisfaction to a greater extent.

Achieve strict adherence to polices and objectives by employees.

Achieve increased employee retention and morale.

Achieve increased revenues.

(IBM, 2008)

Enhanced Productivity

The enhance productivity can be achieved by training the staff at individual level by improving their skills with respect to their specific job description. For example a manager should be given a training to improve his management skills, a programmer should be given training for new technologies, and the sales staff should be given training for improved sales and promotion skills (IBM, 2008).

Performance Improvement

Performance improvement can be achieved by the training at departmental/ unit level and individual level. As the performance is directly related to the individual's work, they must be trained but, performance is also determined at departmental level. For example, human resource department is accountable for its performance separately from the Sales and marketing unit. The technology department is accountable for its lack and performances separately (IBM, 2008).

Improved customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction can be achieved by training at all levels. At organizational level leaning is essential because customer satisfaction is a product of mutual effort as all departments are directly or indirectly involved to achieve the customer's satisfaction. For example, marketing unit markets the product effectively gains customer's attention. When customers contact with the officers of human resources they are satisfied that their required product or service is available at the company. The product produced by IBM's technology department must satisfy the needs of its customer (IBM, 2008).

Strict adherence to polices and objectives

This training need is required at organizational level as all individuals, departments and senior management needs to strictly follow the objectives and policies of IBM in order to achieve the target goals. The goals are defined at all levels thus; each unit should work to attain their goals by following their objectives (IBM, 2008).

Increased employee retention and morale

The employee's morale need to be high in order to accomplish the objectives of an organization. The retention programs should be conducted to gain high morale of the employees. Low morale can result in bad performance, so training should be done at through out the organization (IBM, 2008).

Increased Revenues

The trainings at all levels will increase the performance and productivity, which results in customer ...
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