The Synthetic Essay Questions

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The Synthetic Essay Questions

The Synthetic Essay Questions

Answer 1

The first and foremost significant characteristic of oral literature is that it is also performance based. By definition, oral literature depends upon the performer who changes it in words on a particular situation and that is why there is no any other way that can be considered as a literary product. The performance in the oral literature essentially includes interaction and communication with audience. On the other hand, in written literature, the writer is -physically not connected with the reader. In oral literature, speaker or performer is connected with the audience and that is why he may modify the work, he may edit the details by either omitting or adding up certain explanations according to the situation, time, place and nature of audience (Finnegan, 2012). Owing to this fact, oral literature becomes highly variable and that is why it can be modified in contents or details according to the audience and its speaker. The Iliad by Homers is an exclusive example of performing an oral literature. It has been presented for audience for many decades and it is the acting of performers along with its literary devices which makes this an everlasting piece of literature. The printed words of the Iliad only represent a shadow of actualization but when it is preformed, the emotional situation, vocal and facial expression and movements of performers set a complete stage for it.

Answer 2

Oral literature is not only used to narrate the fiction but it serves many purposes in society. It is used to entertain and educate people, and also to preserves the social and cultural customs. The central function of oral literature varies according to the genre. The historical accounts of oral literature serve purpose of recording history and so is the case with religious accounts. On the other hand, the legends, epics and mythologies are written to entertain and educate common people. Almost every genre of oral literature is rich in the cultural aspects because they reflect the religious bases, values and history of society. Apart from these functions, oral literature is also used to convey certain messages (Myeong, 2011). For example, the Sanskrit epic Ramayana shows the duties of relationships while the Homeric epics represents the assets important in the time period. Both of them, to some extent, provide a role model to the society. There are examples of oral literature that bring up nationalism ...