The Matrix

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The Matrix

The Matrix


This essay is based on The Matrix movie analysis. The movie revolves around the idea of reality and how things can be manipulated by using technology and computers. The movie expects its viewers to conduct a reality check and ask questions in retrospective manner. The movie is a scientific feat in itself with the level of technology that was involved in its making. However, it conveys a message that machines can become so drastically advanced that one day they can literally control our own human existence. It provides a complete method through which this can be done i.e. The Matrix.

The success of Matrix is not based on the cool costumes, techno soundtrack, amazing characters that can defy gravity and perform incredible feats manipulating time and place. However, it is based on the strong philosophical and technological grounds that provoke the viewers to think about their world from an entirely different perspective. The first scene depicts ordinary group of security guards, illustrated by the use of planes size to the same level as the eye of the beholder, which makes the scene immediately identifiable as a world similar to that in which we live (Guimaraes, 2009).

Discussion and Analysis

At first, Mr. Anderson is a man who is dedicated to work in a software company, but at night it becomes a radical being that devotes his time to visit websites against Matrix computer system and begins to doubt and develop illegal applications. This spectacular scene makes use of the latest technological advancements available to the production team of the Matrix. They use virtual reality software to film the part where Trinity defies gravity. Moreover the amazing sound effect that is in complete synch with the action in the scene adds to the jaw dropping effect in the audience. The directors have ...
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