The Main Discoveries Of Sickle Cell Anemia

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The Main Discoveries of Sickle Cell Anemia


Sickle cell anemia is the genetic disorder. This disease causes the incidence of further complications making the worse condition of the patients. The individuals diagnosed with sickle cell anemia (SCA) tolerate intense pain. The other complications include the acute chest syndrome, ischemia, harm to vital organs of the body, retardation of mental health and growth. Various recent research studies have discovered the new treatment strategies and alteration in the existing therapies in order to increase the expectancy of life. This paper will discuss the associated malnutrition, infection, maturation, growth, and gene therapy of sickle cell anemia. The frequent use of drugs in reducing the symptoms of SCA is morphine and hydroxyurea.


The Main Discoveries of Sickle Cell Anemia1



Aims and Objectives1



Pathophysiology of Sickle Cell Anemia2

Sickle Cell Anemia and Nutrition3

Sickle Cell Anemia and Incidence of Infection5

Effects of Sickle Cell Anemia on Growth and Maturation5

Treatment of Sickle Cell Anemia with Hydroxyurea6

Management of Pain in Sickle Cell Anemia8

Gene Therapy of Sickle Cell Anemia8



The Main Discoveries of Sickle Cell Anemia


One of the common inherited diseases of blood is Sickle Cell Anemia. Sickle cell anemia is more common in certain regions of a world that encompass Hispanic descents, India, Middle East, Mediterranean regions and sub Sahara Africa. In this disease, the red blood cells in blood transform into sickle shape due to the absence of oxygen in the blood. Sickle cell anemia is the cause of other complications in the body leading to early death of the person (Weatherall, 2013). In the past few years, with the advancement in science and technology many novel treatment strategies have discovered in order to extend the survival of sickle cell anemic population.


Mutation in the gene of hemoglobin leads to the development of sickle cell anemia. It is an autosomal and recessive genetic disorder of blood. The red cells become sickle in shape. The complications arise due to the sickle shape of cells that reduce the elasticity of the cells causing vasoocclusion. The complicated disorders encompass stroke, acute chest syndrome, damage to various vital organs, ischemia and acute painful crises. There are different treatment strategies available to reduce such complications. Along with this, patients demand more novel techniques and treatment procedures for the extension of their lives with less discomforting symptoms.

Aims and Objectives

The purpose of this study is to explore the new discoveries related to sickle cell anemia. It is significant to sort out the novel strategies or modification in the existing treatment procedures. Moreover, the investigation of the most useful treatments in clinical practices is essential. The central objective is to alleviate the symptoms of patients suffering with complications of sickle cell anemia.


Various investigators are conducting the several studies for different genetic diseases including the sickle cell anemia. Most of the studies are significant introducing the useful preventive or treatment measures for the complications of sickle cell anemia. It is important for the healthcare professional to keep in touch with the recent developments and discoveries for the ...