The Life Of Alice Walker Through Literature And Poetry

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The life of Alice Walker through Literature and Poetry

The life of Alice Walker through Literature and Poetry


Alice Walker (1944) was a writer, poet, novelist, essayist, short novel author, womanist, publisher and educationalist. She was honored with 'Pulitizer Award' for extending outstanding achievements in the field of literature. She was born 9th February, 1944, in the town of Eatonton, Georgia, the daughter of leaseholder planters. As a young person, she observed the financial repression of the sharecropping farming scheme and aggressive racial discrimination of the South. From the close intimacy she created with her mother and relatives, she formed her conception of self-governing adulthood, a notion that is portrayed so powerfully in her work. She started writing poems at the same time as going Sarah Lawrence College, graduated in 1965. After institution she started work in Mississippi, listing blacks to cast vote. She carries on to effort for civil liberties. Walker always acknowledges Zora Neale Hurston as a main force on her inscription and her work (Erma and Byerman, 1989).

Thesis Statement: A continuous idea and premise in Walker's work is her attack on prejudice in African American dealings and the repression of black females.


Biography of Alice Walker

Walker has mounted the recognizable steps of achievement to turn out to be one of most talented and leading authors. She has acknowledged unsavory reputation for her taboo-breach and ethically demanding representations of African-American obsessions and dominations. Even though, her effort is varied in theme and diverse in outline, it is noticeably placed on great attempts and religious growth distressing the continued existence of women. Her work depicts the difficulties of the commonplace by representing it in a framework of dishonesty and alteration. Inside this framework, Walker unpeels the firm cast envelop of Africa and women's existences to disclose the unprotected frame of reality and anticipation (Bradley, 1984).

She cultured the worth of looking inside the concealed rooms of individual understanding and discovering them artistically. When she was 8 years old, a BB shooter incident made her sightless and left marks on her right eye. The occurrence of this defect deeply inclined her life, directing her into a self-enforced segregation that was open just to her craving for interpretation and her fondness of poems. Her self- enforced isolation, tied with the terror of turning to be completely sightless, motivated the young lady to investigate populace and relations intimately—to determine the internal realties veiled by faces of approval and fairness. She employed her unsighted eye as a sieve throughout which to gaze further than the facade of women's survival, and exposed that she concerned in relation to the suffering and religious decomposition she discovered concealed there.

Concerns and Ideas in Walker's Work

Being a novelist, Alice Walker addresses several concerns and themes, most of which revolves around chronological and contemporary racial issues in America. Throughout this, she carries to nationwide concentration, unkindness and brutal mistreatment that African-Americans have suffered. This wide-ranging theme and subject matter can be broken down into many parts that she experiences are significant for ...
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