The Juvenile Justice System Should Focus On Rehabilitation

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The Juvenile Justice System should focus on Rehabilitation

The Juvenile Justice System should focus on Rehabilitation


The main purpose of this paper is to argue on the statement that the juvenile justice system should focus on rehabilitation. The paper discusses the different aspects including the reasons that juvenile justice system should focus on rehabilitation and the role of the juvenile's focus on rehabilitation on the different laws including the Law enforcement, Court processes, Probation, Corrections, Community services and Intervention programs. The juvenile justice system is one which has created the differences among the incarceration facilities and the courts from the traditional adult system. The main aim of the juvenile justice system is to create the difference between the juvenile offenders and the adult criminals. The main reason behind is that the adult criminals might lead the underage offenders to go astray.


The rate of the juvenile crimes is increasing at a high rate since the last many years and the issue of juvenile delinquency is continuously on rise. Many scholars have claimed that punishment can be the main factor behind the solution of this problem. On the other hand, a large proportion of scholars believe that rehabilitation can be the perfect answer in solving the issue of juvenile crimes.

Why should Juvenile Justice System adopt Rehabilitation?

Rehabilitation can be the most effective strategy used by the juvenile justice system in case that it is used in a proper manner. However, it does not have the effective results in the case of adults, but for the juvenile offenders it has come out to e the most effective strategy. The rehabilitation strategy has the great potential to reduce the future crime rates and decrease the delinquency status. The juvenile justice system should adopt the rehabilitation strategy because it is helpful for the treatment and healing of the juvenile offenders. This can increase the chances of turning the juvenile offenders into better and civilized citizens and become the stable citizens. The proper adoption of the rehabilitation facilities by the juvenile justice system can help in decreasing the crime rate and its occurrence in the future (Arthur, 2005). The proper implementation of juvenile justice system can result in the making the juvenile offenders a successful adolescent instead of continuing the criminal activities.

There are different ways through which rehabilitation can be the best option for the juvenile offenders than the punishment. The rehabilitation can be the best option because there can be different negative effects of the punishment on the mental health assessment. The different young offenders, who are only punished, get more negative and become more oriented towards committing the criminal activities. The rehabilitation can bring positive impact on the mental health of the young offenders. The Youth Outreach Services have emphasized the importance of providing the mental health assessment for the young offenders because this can help in decreasing the trauma of young offenders and provide them immediate assistance. The mental health assessment through the rehabilitation processes can be helpful in identifying the main ...
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