The Global Financial Management & Summary

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The Global Financial Management & Summary

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Answer No. 13

Answer No. 24

Answer No. 34

Answer No. 45



Several ethical and hypothetical dilemmas along with two ongoing Citi Bank scandals are been portrayed by this case. These continually developing dilemmas are supposed to be resolved, identified and confronted by Matt Lelander, who is a hypothetical Citi Bank officer, throughout the case. Initially he is asked to respond to these situations, and two ongoing scandals involving death and embezzlement are presented to him. A Citi Bank wealth manager and an Indonesia socialite, named as, Malinda Dee, is charged guilty for embezzling million from Citi Gold clients, in the first scandal.

However, the next scandal represents, a Citi Bank credit card customer, named as, IrzenOkta, who by collection agents was beaten to death for a debt of $5,500. The Citi Bank Indonesia hired these collection agents, and they were working independently. In this case, the person named as, Matt, has been asked to take care of these issues and travel to Indonesia and Jakarta (Martin & French, n.d). However, several critical, legal and ethical issues must be confronted by Matt additionally. An analysis of appropriate decision making and ethical frameworks, discussion of international and applicable domestic laws and a detailed background on the Indonesian business climate, is represented by this case.


Answer No. 1

The culprit likely stems from a multitude of factors and forces; therefore, there is no simple answer to this question. Lose corporate governance as well as regulatory oversights have certainly been contributed. However, a conduct gap between a corporation's actions and beliefs are certainly seems to be growing.

Answer No. 2

An aspirational and strong set of principles and values has been obviously created with the code of conduct by Citi Bank. To foster better global business practices, a strong commitment has been made by Citi Bank, additionally, as a signatory to the U.N. Global Compact (Kim &McElreath, 2001). This commitment has not been adopted by all employees unfortunately as indicated by the two reported scandals. It clearly shows that an appropriate ethical culture was failed to be governed or created by corporate leaders.

However, to ensure throughout the company that the stated core principles were adopted, effectual measures were not taken by the management of the Citi Bank. The accusations from shareholders related to the mortgage fiasco of the United States and specifically, these scandals violated the responsible finance and first two states values of common purpose of Citi Bank. A drinking problem was found in Matt, as according to the details of the case study. However, his impaired driving citation must be disclosed by him to the authorities of Citi Bank, based on his position as a Citi Bank ethics officer and signed code of conduct.

Answer No. 3

A lively debate can be produced by this question. Certainly, an ethical obligation is hold by the Citi Bank to ensure that a minimum standard of care is adhered by all independent contractors and employees. Certainly, under the core principle of a common purpose, serving of all ...
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