The Effects Of Common Core Standardized Test Anxiety On Students

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The Effects of Common Core Standardized Test Anxiety on Students

The Effects of Common Core Standardized Test Anxiety on Students


This research proposal is based on “The Effects of Common Core Standardized Test Anxiety on Students”. When a child demonstrates knowledge on a daily basis, still fails on a standardized test that shows there is something wrong. Stress and anxiety due to standardized test is basically referred to a negative concept that could harm the mental and physical well being of students. Students of every age could become victims of stress. In today's era, people have increased pressure of work, which enables them to get stressed and affect their physical and mental condition.

Standardized tests are cooked tests, teachers are relieved of the burden of spending hours to create and constantly change or adapt to the requirements of different programs (Wigfield, 1989).

Purpose and Objectives of the Study

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of common core standardized test anxiety on students. Standardized testing has many advantages and disadvantages, one of the disadvantages that may or at least in my opinion is that they leave room for diversity, as every student is different from each other, they learn differently, capture and process information in different ways. Yet IQ tests measure mainly the amount and quality of knowledge, not the potential of an individual in terms of what it will be able to do in the future. They are also considered biased because not all children are exposed to the same curriculum and teaching strategies in the classroom.

Problem Statement

The controversy over standardized testing has focused on its role and interpretation. Teachers should use the results to improve instruction, and not to create stereotypes of students or to justify low expectations. It is very unfortunate to observe that students are also included in the category of people who experience anxiety due to standardized test. It is very important to understand that why common core standardized tests lead to stress/anxiety. This stress negatively impacts the physical and mental well being of the students in many ways.


HO: The standardized test is effective in measuring the anxiety level among the students.

HA: The standardized test is not effective in measuring the anxiety level among the students.

Literature Review

IQ tests are standardized tests used to determine the IQ of a person by analyzing his knowledge in various fields such as mathematics, language and reasoning skills. Most schools around the world have also standardized achievement for assessing students' skills and place them on different levels of the education system tests. Standardized tests usually have a format of multiple choice questions, but there are exceptions (Boyle, 2012). There are various tests which evaluate the anxiety and intelligence level of students. Among them the one of the widely used technique is standardized test. Standardized tests is a controversial issue, some researchers support the wide adoption of these tests for students to evaluate the anxiety levels, while others have serious concerns over such tests. In response to dissatisfaction with traditional ...